And then we met...

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I was sitting at a stoplight waiting for it to change when I saw a quick flash across my line of vision and then everything went black.

I was in Great Grandpa's body and something was terribly wrong. I couldn't move.

I found myself surrounded by Great grandpa's family and was hearing them speak while I could barely open my eyes and my breathing was difficult and painful. Nathan was by my left side and was trying to comfort his adult younger sister.

Was I dying?

Mary was squeezing my hand and weeping quietly trying to hold it together but she wasn't succeeding.

I could see a doctor- Dr. Miller? Sitting in the corner of the room unable to do anything more.

"Please give him something for the pain Doctor." I heard Mary say.

Standing up he took a closer look at me and checked my heartbeat with a stethoscope. It was weak and slow.

"Any more might mean his death. I don't think he needs it Mary." he replied.

"Mom I don't think Dad would want to go like that."

I nodded once in agreement.

I fought to open my eyes and squeezed her hand. I couldn't speak but she knew what I was letting her know.

On the wall was a gas station calendar. From what I could tell it was November in 1931. The window was frosty with white snow outside.

It suddenly occurred to me that if I died while being in my Great Grandfathers body that I might die as well and I started to panic!

I was suddenly moaning and turning as best as I could from side to side. Struggling to stay alive.
A deep moan pushed its way up through my throat as if death might be postponed by my feeble struggle.

Mary looked up surprised by a small jerk I was able to make.

"He's fighting for his life!" she cried.

"Riley! Don't fight it we all must die." a voice spoke from above. It was a voice I'd never heard before.
In an instant I found myself detached from the physical body and I stood separate from all others except for one- Great Grandpa was there smiling at me. Looking down I could see that he had a spiritual body but I did not. Yet he could see me somehow.

"Hello son. Are you my mysterious relative from the future?" he asked.

"Uh .... Yes I'm Riley I was the one writing in the notebook."

"I suspected as much. As you can see I'm obviously not going to be here much longer. I'll be leaving from here soon."

"WAIT! What does that mean for me? I'm still alive in my time."

"I don't know Son. It's beyond me. I've never died before."

"But I have so many questions to ask you."

"Well ask away maybe we have time."

"Well ...whatever happened to Josephine? Why didn't you seek her out when you got back. It seemed like the right thing to do."

"I don't know. At the time it seemed like the proper thing to do. I was bitter I suppose. Maybe I would have found happiness but then I wouldn't have had the family I did have and you wouldn't have been born right?"

"Yes but it seems like unfinished business."

"There's nothing to gain by reliving what you regret. I started anew just as I did when I first left Ireland. Had I held on to the past my life would most likely have been miserable. I took risks but the reward was well worth it."

I looked around. The house was poorly lit. The whole room was scattered by old and worn items of a lifetime of scrimping and saving from paycheck to paycheck.

"It doesn't look like much."

"Maybe because your not looking at the real treasures." he replied walking over to his grown children.

Standing behind his daughter he explained.

"This is Charity my firstborn. She didn't win any great awards or make a great name for herself but she's selfless and has a true heart of gold. She speaks words of comfort and encouragement to everyone in her life. When Mary is mourning I know Charity will be there to hold her hand and cry along side of her long after others have gone home and forgotten."

"Charity. I'm afraid I only got snippets of their lives so I don't know them well."

"Which is why I'm telling you now."

"And this one?...uh Margaret?"

"Yes Margaret. She's the wise one."

"Smart -"

"No I said wise not necessarily the smartest. Though she is smart just not the smartest one. Wise because every decision she's ever made has worked out to be a blessing. From what job she took, who she married and how they lived it has always worked out well for her. Wise and gentle. Can't beat that."

"I hope I got some of that."

Old Riley began to laugh aloud.

"What's so funny?"

"You are Son. You forget I've seen your life I've spoken to your family and friends."


"Your life doesn't compare. While Margaret was busy living real life you've been letting your life pass you by while you attempt to live it through your video games. Shut the blasted machine off and step outside for a change. Look at the real blue sky. Run on the real green grass and meet someone who isn't an avatar of a person. Someone who's flesh and blood."

"Well I do-"

"But not nearly enough young man."

"And finally there's Nate. My only son. He's hard headed and doesn't listen well but sometimes those things are exactly what you need to get through the tough times. He does have a good heart and does the right thing in the end even if it costs him dearly."

"Really? I don't know a lot about him. He was an old man before I was even born."

"Yes unfortunately the Breen men tend to start having families late in life. But I know Nate will be alright. I saw him as an old man through your eyes. Believe me he may mot look it now but once he was quite the adventurous soul."

"That is hard to believe."

"You should ask your grandmother she will tell you."

"That is if I don't die in your body." I said.

"Like I said before. I've never died before. I don't know what will happen to you. I'm hoping I end up in heaven myself."

Looking about I suddenly felt myself pulled away and passing through an empty corridor.

In the next instant I found myself back in my car and the driver behind me was honking angrily at me as the cars in front were a good hundred feet ahead. Up above the lights had changed to green and I raised my hand apologetically and pressed my foot to the gas pedal to move on.

As I came to midtown I felt an urge to drive down 5th Avenue and found an empty parking spot. I parked and fed the meter. I was drawn in and don't know why but found myself drawn to the south and as I entered the old metal gates I had a strong suspicion things were not coincidental and wondered if I was even in total control of my actions.

Riley's DreamsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя