A glimpse of power

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I stared up at the ceiling, taking a deep, long breath, bored as could be, with the only other sound in the room bind the metal clinking against metal, as Ratchet tinkered with something... The base was practically empty, since Bumblebee, Arcee, and Bulkhead were taking the other kids home, but I got to say after they learned that I myself didn't have one.

Lucky me.

"This would be much easier if Bulkhead hadn't mangled my frame weilder..." Ratchet mummbled. I glanced over to see what Ratchet was doing.

"Hey, I think I might be able to fix that for you." I said quietley. He didn't seem to hear me, so I jumped up and walked over to the rail, peering at him innocently.

    "Ratchet, may I see if I can fix that for you?" I asked once again.

"Oh please, how could a human like you fix it?"

"Just let me try, please?" I requested once again, so he reluctantly gave me the metal object, cold to the touch against my already cool skin. Despite its size, which was roughly the size of a large dog, I carried it like it was nothing, walking over to a dark corner that he wouldn't be able to see me in. I took a deep breath and focused my energy, closing my eyes as I touched the broken part, slowly pouring my energy inside. The metal began to knit together again, looking completely new. I stood up, carrying it carefully in my arms, and made my way towards him again, holding it out to him as he picked it up, observing it where the wound was, an incredulous look upon his white face. His attention focused on me as he cautiously looked me over.

    "But... How?"

I replied, "I have my ways, you're welcome." and stalked off over to the couch again, smirking to myself after showing the doctor up and proving him wrong.

*Later that night, third POV*

        Optimus drove in the base, transforming as he glanced around, seeing Arrya's sleeping form on the couch, and Ratchet, who was still working, although he turned around to look when the autoboy leader transformed.

       "Optimus, I need to talk to you about something." He said in a hushed voice, putting his tools down, all except for one.

Optimus nodded, then followed the medic into the Energon room so they could talk in privacy.

Ratchet warily glanced around for a second, before saying to Optimus, "There's something strange about that Arrya girl."

Optimus raised an optic ridge, looking at Ratchet quizzically.

     "What do you mean by that, old friend?" He asked.

     "While you were gone, I was working, and muttered something about how Bulkhead mangled my frame weilder. So she walks over and asks if she could try to fix it, and so I give it to her, and she carried it like it was nothing! Then she went into a corner, and I couldn't see what she did, but she comes walking back with it good as new." Ratchet held the frame weilder out to Optimus. "See? It looks better than it did before! And the fact that she's apparently a homeless orphan only adds to my suspicion." Ratchet finished, looking up at Optimus expectantly.

     "That is very strange, indeed..." Optimus hummed. "But it does not change the fact that she is still a person in need. I wouldn't ask her about it, just keep it in mind and try to watch any other odd thing she does."

Ratchet hesitated, then nodded. "Whatever you say, Optimus...."

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