Chapter Ten

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**** as you can see I'm not going off the actually SOA story line, I will be using some of it but not all.****


The next morning I woke up alone, which worried me a little bit. But then I heard laughter.

I opened my door and headed out the the main room of the clubhouse. When I got you there I say Happy teaching Tavia how to protect herself.

I smiled a little, glad that Happy had accepted her and not just me. I know I did force her on him a little bit. Happy looked up and smirked at me causing Tavia to turn around and smile and run towards me and wrapping her arms around me.

"Mama, Pops is teaching me how to fight" she said jumping up down. I looked down and smiled at her " I see that baby, get back to it. I have stuff I have to take care of today baby" she frowned "can I go with you" I smiled a little bit.

" I don't know baby, I don't want you to see the things I have to do. What I do baby isn't for the light hearted and isn't something I can afford a lot of people know just in case it gets back to me baby, and people will use you against me if it comes down to it" I told her rubbing her cheek.

"Look baby maybe next time okay?" I told and she just nodded her head and walked off. I looked to Happy and he just nodded his head like he got it.

I went back to the room and got dressed. I figure for what I have to do I wouldn't wear tall ass high heels like I usually do, just in case this goes sideways.

After I get everything I need I head out. On my way out I stop and kiss Tavias head and got on my bike and left.


Once Mira told Tavia that she couldn't go with her, it looked like her heart broke, but I mean I understand what Mira means by telling her no.

The things that people like Mira and I do, it isn't something that a lot of people can handle and I know Mira doesn't want to cause any damage to this little.

But when I look at Tavia, I see this look in her eyes, the same look I see in Mira's eyes and who knows maybe Tavia can handle it.

I decided I was going to take her out to the warehouse and teach her to shoot a gun. "Little girl go get dressed and the come with me." She nodded her head and walked off.

After I got the all clear from Clay we headed out.


Once we reached the warehouse I saw my moms truck and I looked to Happy asking if he knew she was here and he just shook his head that he didn't know.

As we were walking up I heard the screaming of a man, he was begging for her to stop.

I slowly opened the door and the site of what I saw in front of me. Would easily make someone run and puke, but I watch fascinated by it.

She was whipping the guys back and by the looks of it she already tore his chest open.

She stopped and looked up at me, I couldn't tell if she was mad at me or what.


I looked up and saw Happy and my daughter standing there. I waited to see if she was going to react like I thought she would.

To my surprise she didn't. The look on her face was the same look I had when I first saw someone get tortured, the look of being fascinated, intrigued, the need to want to do it to.

****FLASHBACK***3rd POV****

As a young girl Vladimira never really had it easy, she was taken as a young girl by Jimmy 'O. He gave her what she needed to stay alive but he and his men started beating her by the time she turned 10.

The beatings would last for days on end. At first she would cry but she soon learned that the more she cried or even screamed the beatings would become worse.

So she stopped crying or even making a sound all together. Then one day Jimmy brought her with him and his mean to "handle" business as he told her.

She didn't know what he meant, she honestly thought he was going to kill her, and she was okay with it, because to her that would mean that all the pain he would cause her would end and she wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.

But she didn't get that wish, she was forced to sit there and watch these men rip apart this man because he didn't pay the money he owed.

That's when Jimmy saw this look in her eye and that caused him to smirk. And from that day forward he would force her to kill anyone that was against him or didn't pay up.

And when she refused to kill an innocent child, because the babies parents couldn't pay up. Jimmy had cut her face, causing the scars on it.

Jimmy didn't know what she did with the child since he had trusted her to do this alone. After that he never trusted her again to do a job alone.


"Either get out or come in and shut that door" I told them. And to my disliking Tavia came and sat down on the table and Happy closed the door.

I decided to finish this guy off quickly because Tavia was watching. As I slit the guys throat I saw a smirk on her face.

After me and Happy cleaned up everything, I pulled him a side. "What the fuck!" I yelled. "Watch it little girl" he growled. " no you watch it, I said I didn't want her to see this shit and you did nothing to stop it, did you?!?!" I yelled.

"Happy you do realise she can be used as a fucking witness against us right?" I told.
"She won't do that" I growled at his answer. " you don't fucking know that." I said as I pushed past him and walked to my truck. " get her home when your done got it " I told him before speeding away from the warehouse.

To say I was pissed was a understatement. I didn't want her becoming like me. I didn't want her to become disconnected from people and her self.

I didn't want to her to have an even bigger target on her back then she would. But to late for that.

Once I pulled into the lot I parked and stormed into the clubhouse and grabbed a bottle of jack and looked for Tig and when I found him. I saw a croweater sitting on his lap.

I walked over and shoved her off before grabbing Tig by his shirt and dragged him to my room and slamming the door.

"What is it doll" he asked. "Shut up and strip" I told him while chugging the bottle until it was almost gone. He did as he was told. I stripped and grabbed Tig by his throat our eyes met and he started to speak until I cut him off.

"Lower your eyes, bitch." His mouth dropped open in shock of my simple order, then he quickly complied.
"Yes Ma'am." I paused, giving him time to lower his eyes and wait on me.

I was happy that I didn't have to remind him about the correct way he was to address me. His eyes remained lowered onto the bed and his hands began gently trembling. "Do you understand me, baby?" I said. "Yes Ma'am," he said softly.

After that I pushed Tig down and straddled him sliding his cock into me. I grabbed his throat again as i ride him. "You like being treated like a dirty little bitch don't you Tig" I whispered in his ear before pulling back and continuing to ride him.

After a while Tig grabbed me by my throat and flipped us over and squeezed. And kept slamming into me as hard and fast as he could.

After we both finished Tig got up and went to the shower while I just went to sleep.

I was exhausted and didn't want to deal with anybody else's shit today. I will deal with Octavia and Happy tomorrow morning. But tonight I wasn't going to do it. Because if I did I knew it would get bloody between me and Happy .

As my eyes closed I felt Tig kiss my head and tell me goodnight before walking out and shutting the door. After that I was out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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