Chapter Six

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Vladimira's POV:

The next morning I woke up curled into Happy's chest. I don't expect him to sleep in here with me last night, so I'm surprised that he did but to be honest I'm glad he did. Of course I would never admit that to him.

I looked over at the clock on his table next to his bed saying that it was 6 o'clock in the morning.

I called over happy as quietly as I could without waking him up. once I got up I quietly grab my smokes and walked out of the room. Once I got to the front porch I sat on the chair there a lit a smoke....

As I sat there I started thinking about my life and where I got to where I am.

I heard the door open next to me I looked over seeing Maria Happy's mom. "What are you doing up so early my child" she asked me.

I debated on lying and saying I couldn't sleep but if she is anything like happy she would see through and I also knew I could trust her, for some reason. "I don't sleep much, not demons seem to be catching up to me faster then I can get away" I whispered to her.

She walked over and sat next me grabbing my hand. " My dear, you don't look like a woman who runs from her demons, am I right" I nodded my head.

"I usually don't but these demons I'm running from aren't something that can be stopped, my demons are within me, trying to take control." I whispered...I have never opened up to anyone like this so why I am now is having me at a lost.

Maria lifted her hand to my face and wiped a tear that I didn't even know was falling. " My child, you Know your like my both avoid emotions and you put up this wall around you guy's heart. You're both afraid to let somebody in, that is just who you both are. " She finished saying.

Maria's POV:

This girl was hunted by her past just as my boy was. She was strong and beautiful, but she was broken just as he was.

Yesterday when my son brought her home I saw the way he looked at her. But those two were blinded by their past to open themselves up to that. I just hope that they see it before it to late.

Happy's POV:

I woke up and noticed that Mira wasn't next to me. I grumbled and sat up. I won't lie and say it didn't feel good having her against my chest because it did.

Just that thought of missing her next to me had me confused. I got up and went into the bathroom and took a piss.

As I was headed out to the living room and noticed my ma and Mira outside on the porch. I smiled to myself at the thought of my ma liking Mira.

I walked into the kitchen and made two cups of black  coffee, I wasn't to sure on how Vladimira took her coffee but I was going to assume black.

I walked out to the front porch and handed her, her coffee before taking a smoke from her and lighting it and sitting next to her in the spot my ma was before she went back inside.

I looked at Mira and she looked back at me and rised her eyebrow.

vladimira's POV:

I took the sip of the coffee that happy brought, I was surprised he had got it right. I raised my eyebrow at him when he grabbed one of my smokes.

This man sitting right here in front of me was a mystery that's for sure.

"We gotta talk" I told him. He waited for me to continue. " Your ma is being threaten" I started before he interrupted me. "What the fuck are you talking about?" He growled.

"Yesterday when I was out here working on my bike I noticed two guys out front watching the house so I went around back checking to see if there were anymore, there wasn't but one of the back windows were broken"

I took a sip of my coffee before continuing again. " I talk to your ma, she told me that if you kept coming around that it was going to get worse" I finish.

To say he was pissed was an understatement. I don't blame him, if I had someone I cared about being threaten I would be going on a rampage.

I got up and went into happys room and picked out my clothes before walking to the bathroom and take a shower.

After I got dressed I head out to the kitchen to see happy talking to him ma, I could tell if it was about what I said or not

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After I got dressed I head out to the kitchen to see happy talking to him ma, I could tell if it was about what I said or not.

I figured it wasn't my business unless he made it mine.

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