"Yeah but we use to hang out every other day!"

I do not want to talk about this right now so I try to casually change the subject.

"Yeah! Well what about you? You never go to clubs!" I say trying to sound as enthusiastic as her. She chuckles.

"Well we all decided to come and have fun!"

I gave her a confused look.


"Well sure you know like Zoe, Alfie, Dan, Phil, Caspar, Joe, Hazel. The usual."

My stomach drops.

Dan is here? Right now? In the same building?

"I gotta go." I say while leaving Louise by herself before she could say anything else. I quickly walk over to f/n who is talking and laughing amongst our, or I should really say their, friends.

I abruptly pulled their arm and said "We have to leave."

"Hey! What took you so long? I got drinks before you!" They say completely ignoring what I had just said.

I try to keep calm and repeat myself
"Yeah, so can we leave?"

"Why we just got here? Don't be an introvert for once!

"I just wanna go."

They stand up straight and look me right in the eyes. I really don't know what to do so I just awkwardly stand there.

"He's here, isn't he?" They ask.

My eyes widen. I was always terrible at keeping secrets but I wasn't gonna give up. "What? Who? I don't know who or what you are talking about." I say all at once like a blabbering mess.

They cross their arms and look at me sternly. "Listen y/n you are gonna have to deal with whatever is between you and Dan sooner or later. Might as well do it now."

I sigh. "I get that but not right now. I'm not prepared and I don't even know what I'd tell him."

"Confront him! You didn't do anything wrong yet he is still accusing you!" They say almost upset and they're not wrong. And it's not like I'm not mad at him because I am. He never even let me explain my side of the story. I gained back some self-assurance after thinking about this but I knew I wouldn't be able to confront him sober.

"Okay! I'll do it but not until I have something to drink." I tell them.

"And not to the point where I have no idea what I'm saying. Just to where the alcohol will calm my nerves." I add because knowing them, they'll give me something where I'll start doing things out of my nature.

"Duh!" They say to me as if it were obvious.

She hands me the shot glass and I glance down at it nervously. I'm not a big drinker but anything that helps me right now will be worth it. I drink the liquid and feel it burn down my throat. I shake it off and instantly feel it kick in. I really am a lightweight when it comes to drinking. I began to look around the room and my eyes instantly land on the karaoke stage. 

"Let's go do karaoke!" I say to f/n.

"What?!" They yell.

I roll my eyes and decide to just drag them by the arm around the crowd towards the stage. There was really no point in me trying to be louder than the music that was booming right now.

Once we were in line I watched the couple on stage performing and couldn't help but to watch them. They really weren't great singers but looked very in love with each other. I watched how they looked into each other's eyes while singing 'Wannabe' by The Spice Girls. Classic.

I remember singing that song to Dan just to annoy him. He would laugh that laugh that I admired and start singing with me. I smile thinking about this nice memory. I was snapped out of my thoughts by

"Y/n I have to go to the bathroom!" They say distressful.

"Come on! We are next in line though!" I say sounding more rude than I had wanted it to be.

"It'll be quick!" They say while trying to give me puppy dog eyes.

I roll my eyes and say "Fine."

They quickly make their way to the bathroom while I wait in line to go next. Gosh I hope they come back soon. I look behind me to see the line and geez did it get long.

The couple on stage suddenly finishes and f/n is still not back. I hesitantly grab a microphone and slowly walk up the stage trying to buy f/n more time.

Crap! I forgot to pick a song. As I was about to make my way down the stage, I see him walking up the stage. With a microphone?


~Hello reader! Thank you so much for reading this story that I've been thinking about publishing for a while now:)) hope you enjoyed and part 2 will be coming soon!~

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