"and why the fuck should he care about the calories in your stupid burger huh?" Hoseok barked rather loudly, gathering the attention of people around them, "why not just take the orders and close your stupid mouth alright. we don't need shit coming out of your mouth, leave that to your stupid flat ass."

The waiter was instantly taken aback by the rude remark and flushed in humiliation.

"and i wouldn't talk back if i were you, he's jung hoseok and he could snap you out of existence at the clap of his hands," Yoongi added humorously, "btw, you single by chance?"

The waiter didn't answer Yoongi and instead apologized to Namjoon quickly before excusing himself and leaving to go hide in guilt. Yoongi became salty after being rejected and the fact that no one bothered to take his order. But unlike his slight irritation, it was Hoseok who was the most angry and about to explode from the fury of a stupid waiter calling Namjoon fat. Who the hell did he think he was? If anything, it was Namjoon who looked beautiful unlike the flat ass stick waiter!

Namjoon looked over at Hoseok who was angrily typing on his phone and felt a rush of awe run through him. Despite their anger over each other and considering Hoseok was still mad at Namjoon over the fight, he still stuck up for him as if he actually - cared about him. It warmed Namjoon's heart knowing that an attractive, wealthy man who hated his guts also bothered about his very being, which apart from Taehyung and Yoongi, was rare.

An awkward silence surround the room after the outburst, and Yoongi and Namjoon looked at each other as if not knowing what to do.

"so.. weren't we going to talk about the situation with hoseoks dad?" Namjoon brought up, waiting for Hoseok to lift his face from aggressively tapping his phone.

Yoongi coughed rather awkwardly, "so, what i was thinking, was for namjoon to change his name and identity completely and move to mexico, i know a pueblo where no one will be able to find him there."

Hoseok finally brought up his head, only to stare at Yoongi as if mentally calling him stupid, which low key sent a shiver down the other males body. Yoongi bit his lip, "or not, we're open for more ideas."

"look," Hoseok sighed, setting his phone down on the empty table, "the old fart is a powerful man without a doubt and it's almost impossible to stop whatever he plans. there isn't much we can do either other than for Namjoon to stick next to me twenty fours a day until our dance challenge is over and namjoon and i... never see each other again." Hoseoks voice became hoarse saying the last part and Namjoon couldn't help but frown upon it too.

They both know they enjoy each other's presence enough to not want to ever separate, the mere idea of never seeing each other after Namjoon wins or loses the dance challenge hurts them. But despite knowing this, what they don't know is each others feelings. They both think they hate each other but in reality it's the opposite; its tragic that everyone knows but them.

"well that's not necessarily true," Yoongi offered awkwardly, "just because the challenge is over doesn't mean you guys have to stop being friends."

Namjoon chuckled rather bitterly, "hoseok practically hates me so why would he want to see me more than he needs too." he looked over at Hoseok and lifted a angry brow.

"for once i actually agree with the deformed butt crack." Hoseok fought back, not noticing the sadness Namjoon was trying to hide, or his own.

Yoongi rolled his eyes in misery, it was getting annoying how the two males are completely oblivious to each other. He just wishes he could yell in their faces and force them to make out so they won't be living in a mislead relationship.

Their burgers turned up a few minutes into the fight that continued despite Yoongi's attempts to intervene, and luckily, the waiter was replaced with a much nicer one. But, it was a female this time and that didn't make Yoongi all that happy, including the fact that he had to wait longer for his burger because he wasn't able to order the last time. So by the time Namjoon and Hoseok were almost done eating, Yoongi barely got his food.

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