The Single Drop Of Blood

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That Zhao was completely taken by surprise with the sudden out of nowhere strong attack, was more than an understanding. If Shen Wei had not pull him out, he would have returned to the reincarnation weal by now, yet the damage caused by the kid's fire was without doubts, great. He had manage to at least turn into aches a few dozens of demons in just one shot.

"Just who are you?" Zhao manage to ask, still in the Ghost Slayer cold embrace.

"I... I'm so sorry... please forgive me, Chief Zhao, Your Honor..." Guo hastily said, bowing none stop to them.

"Sorry for what, you did great kid! That was quite unexpected, but Hell, well done..." Zhao said impressed.

"Guo, please be more careful. That's a powerful weapon, you hold." The Ghost Slayer reproached him in a serious tone. He didn't mind the demons killed with his attack, but his Yunlan was almost one of them. However, he couldn't really get angry at him, because his weapon was an emotional one and he knew well that some things could not be fully controlled and fear was just one of them.

"Ah, Your Honor, don't get too angry. He is good with that thing whatever it is. Now, we should join Chu Shuzhi too. There are plenty of more demons. Guys, just be careful and if things gets hard, just go back to where is safe. Got it?" His team assented, already moving to join the pumped up master of treads and he wasted no time in summon his own sword.

"Zhao, just stay close to me." Shen told Yunlan before he could go and be lost in the fight.

"Don't worry, I'm not planning on letting you out of my sight." Which was true, because he was conscious the demons were going after him to steal the pendant with his fire. "Hey kid, if you see another opportunity, just fire up, but stay behind the barrier." Zhao added to Guo who assented, tightly holding his enchanted baton, while doing his best not to fry his own team.

After that, the Ghost Slayer and Zhao joined the fight, always aware of the other movement and closely decreasing the numbers of demons. Zhao used his fire and even some thunders when the numbers begin to overwhelm them, but his beloved was simply too fast and deadly to allow a demon to come close enough to wound him. As the minutes passed, both of them begin to truly act as one, while letting Shen to take the lead and he follow his deadly dance.

Lin for his part, had manage to enchant a good numbers of demons to fight against one another, while occasionally using his dagger or a talisman to keep himself safe. Zhu pretty much poisoned everything near her, summoning a deadly cloud of poisoning gas that killed almost instantly. Guo, occasionally shoot up a ball of fire, mostly near Chu when he was in a pinch.

In all, the Guardians and the Ghost Slayer were doing quite well against the demons, especially Shen and Zhao who was keeping up with the fierce side of Shen, although he was still not on his level. Then, something unexpected happen. In the heat of the battle no one notice there was something other than demons lurking in the shadows. Too busy fighting, not even the Ghost Slayer notice the repressed energy and as the new comer shoot an enchanted black arrow, he barely have time to push Zhao out of its way, and dodge it. The arrow didn't exactly pierce him, it only scratch one of his shoulder, yet, as a single drop of his blood fall on the ground, there was a piercing sound like that of a wolf howling, although it was hardly the same.

"Your Honor!" Chu yelled, forgetting the demons he was fighting and transporting himself to his side.

"I know, go back to Guo, I will bring the other Guardians with me." The Ghost Slayer said, a bit agitated, which make Zhao worried.

"Shen Wei, just what was that? And are you okay..."

"Sorry, Zhao, I will explain later, she is coming out." Shen Wei engulfed Zhao in a dark cloud of his energy and did the same the rest of the Guardians, bringing them back to the entrance of the temple where it would be safer, just in time to witness something even more out of the world than never before.

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