Sleeping Beauty, Shameless God

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"Okay, this is it, we are home..." Zhao said, parking Shen's car in front of the building in which he have his apartment. It was a good place to live in, with lovely gardens, a small park, lots of healthy trees and the best peaceful environment a human can enjoy.

The only thing that looked out of place was the multiple red and yellow talismans, placed all over the structure. Those, of course, were necessary to keep the ghosts for braking in, but as he was the Chief Guardian in Dragon City, the wards on the apartment complex were highly stronger than the common ones used in pretty much every building or house in the country.

"Shen Wei... wake up..." Zhao said gently and slightly shake the man sleeping on the passenger's seat. Shen's head was facing his way, so he took a second to admire the Professors perfect features. He was by all means a strikingly handsome man that had the power to make his heart race just by looking at him, but what fascinate Zhao the most about Shen, was the feeling he was the one made for him, his other half, his long lost soul mate.

In the past he had a few relationships, but none of them had last for long, nor fulfil him as they should. Deep inside, he felt that something was missing, even when he tried his best to shake that feeling aside. However, apparently, his best effort had never been good enough for those he had chosen to be with, and they had end up the relationship within months or a year or two.

Yet, somehow, meeting the sleeping beauty beside him, make him experience all kinds of feelings in such a short amount of time, from the most innocent ones, to those more intimate of which he needed to remain himself, he could not put them in motion just yet. He must had fell in love at first sight, which was odd for him.

Suddenly Zhao half smiled. He could act as a gentlemen for a while, and more so when taking in consideration that the Professor looked like a conservative one, coming from a long unknown past. Damn it, this is going to be hard... Zhao thought as he shock Shen Wei for a second time, however, the Professor didn't respond to his touch, for which Zhao panic for a second fearing the man's heart had stopped beating again.

Fortunately, when putting his finger over his neck, he sighed in relief. His heart was beating normally, he was simply in deep sleep. Apparently, he was a heavy sleeper when tired, but at least, the pained expression was gone from his beautiful face and only a peaceful one remained. He wonder if he was having a good dream or that if someday, he would be the source of it.

"Hell... since when have I become a lovesick bastard within just a few hours?" Zhao asked himself. Could it be he was spell bonded? Could ghosts even do that? No, if there was someone indecent enough to do such a thing, it would be him. Shen Wei would never dare to do so.

"Oh, well... this is going to be a bit difficult, my sleeping beauty, but you can't stay here forever. We had a lot to talk about." And so, with great effort, he carried his slender, yet heavy prince to his private palace.


The moment he heard from those fools members of the Order, that Zhao Yunlan had gone in search for Shen Wei he had a bad feeling. His Honor had always had a soft spot for the bastard and he knew that just been close to him was enough to cause him a world of pain. Thus, his first instinct was to grab Guo and open a portal inside His Honor's dorm, which he found it empty.

"He is not here..." Chu said.

"It's still a bit over ten in the morning... he should be giving lessons or in his office." Guo remained him, and so both men walked out of the dorms to join the lively atmosphere of the University campus. Chu only knew of the dorm's location, so he didn't have a clue of where to find his office or his classroom.

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