Revelations Of The Loving Heart

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-Yunlan / Shen Wei-

The village leader was talking nonstop, but Zhao was barely hearing his words after asking the more pressing questions he needed to try to find the artifact. The reason? He was too distracted with Shen Wei's absence to fully concentrate in his endless chatter. Just where are you Shen Wei? Washing your face shouldn't take more than a minute or two right? Yet, ten minutes have already pass since he leave him in their room. Should he find an excuse and head back to see if something happen? What if he fell or something worse?

He was about to voice an excuse to the village leader when Shen Wei finally show up at the entrance of the dining room, but as Zhao gave him a deeper look, he knew right away that there was something wrong with him. He could see beyond his usual calm face and there was a hint of panic burry deep within those beautiful eyes.

"Hum, please excuse me. I forgot there are a few things I need to prepare for tomorrows trip to the mountains. However, Lin can answer any question you may have about us, it will be his pleasure, right Lin?" Zhao asked, half smiling, when say man almost shoke with his own food.

"Oh, right..." You owe me one, Chief, was the look the monk gave Zhao, just before he walk away to meet Shen halfway.

"Shen Wei, what's wrong?" He asked right away.

"We need to talk. Come with me." Shen guided Zhao outside and seen that the small corridor was empty, he open a portal to transport Zhao somewhere else. When Zhao realize where he had been take too, he arched an eyebrow.

"Why back home?" Zhao asked curiously as he found himself back to his apartment.

"Your wards here are one of the best, it should be safer to talk here than back in the village." Zhao frowned.

"Okay, tell me what happen? Why the urgency?" Zhao asked, taking a sit on his couch.

"I just receive a message from Hell. Things had turn out worse than expected. Apparently, someone else is looking for the artifacts to use them to destroy both the human realm as well as the celestial one." He bluntly said.

"That's impossible. The human realm, yes, we are fragile little things, but the realm of the gods is unreachable as far as I know."

"There was a time when the gods were at war Yunlan, it's hard for common ghost or even demons, but not impossible for another fallen god who seeks revenge."

"Okay, babe. I think is time for you to tell me the whole story. Just what happen in the first war? Is it related to what you are telling me now?" Zhao asked.

"Yes and no. Yunlan... if I tell you everything, there is a chance you may hate me."

"Not a chance."

"This involve someone from my past."

"I too have other relationships."

"This is different..."

"Shen Wei, I know somehow your story is related to mine. The way you look at me, treat me, protect me, open yourself to me, let me tease you or even let me kiss you and I may dare say, even the way I know you love me... none of them is what I would call normal. The same happens to me too. I have this nagging feeling that I know you for a long time ago, but I'm sure I never met you before the case at your dorm and merely ours later I became a love sick bastard that chase you until this point. Just tell me truth, did you know me from a past life?" Zhao asked, already having his answer when seen the surprise in Shen's eyes.

"Yes." He finally admitted, sitting by Zhao's side. It was going to be a very long explanation.

"How far in the past?" He really wanted to know the answer to that one, because Shen Wei sometimes showed a kind of devotion that was hard to explain in the short time he knew him.

Guardian: The Broken WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora