Chapter 1: The Invasion

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The End is the new Beginning

Tasha's POV

It was another cool morning in my home - the North-Western water tribe.

The sounds of children laughing, and playing around.... sounds of the warriors training for the war... and the sounds of the merchants in the markets seeking their goods.

It was another normal day in the place I called home.

I walked over to the training grounds after I had done my daily patrol around the tribe. Hearing the sounds of the warriors shouting and metal hitting, I nodded my head in approval to the leader of the warrior in greeting.

"Good morning, young warrior."

I bowed down in respect. "Good Morning, Sir."

The warriors continued their training. I walked away from the training grounds to the hot water fountain. I flicked some of the water to the ground, allowing the hard snow to slowly melt.

I closed my eyes and raised the melted ice up to my hands, and moved it around, in my battle stance. I practiced my battle moves with the water beside the fountain.

This hideous war is ongoing, I mumbled underneath my breath, as I reflect on the reason why I have been training so hard.

Ever since I was just 6 years old, I was trained in martial art combat as well as water bending combat. Somehow, I was only exceptional girl in my tribe who was allowed do so. Long story short, my late father was a well known general of the tribe warriors, and he had some of his good friends train me since I was young. Upon taking me in a few lessons, they conceded that I was destined to fight - even though my mother highly doubted that.

TLDR, I was made to train hard for 10 years. I rose through the levels of combat skills, and finally now, I'm well-known as the only female warrior of my tribe.


As I was in the midst of circling water back into the fountain, I heard the sounds of hurried running footsteps.

One of my tribe warriors ran towards me. His face was pale, lips trembling in fear.

"They're here."

I widened my eyes in response.

"Warrior, you have to save us!"

The Fire nation. They finally stood on our tribe's grounds.

"Got it. On my way."

I ran through the lanes of my small tribe, past the tents that held all of my loved ones, to the small gate where everyone had to pass through before they could enter inside the tribe.

A gut feeling told me that this signalled the start of a battle that my tribe will never forget in this 100 year war.

From a distance, I spotted one of the warrior division's gathered at the entrance, everyone holding in their battle stances.

"Everyone, on your knees and surrender!" A voice hollered from the gate. "If you comply, no one gets hurt!"

I grabbed my daggers and narrowed my eyes.

Not on my watch, you fire nation pricks.

Muttering a silent prayer to the spirits, I leapt up from where I was to the front of the crowd, landing on the snow perfectly. I lifted my head up and from under my fringe, I saw that the infamous banished fire nation prince Zuko, was right in front of my eyes.

I knew it was Prince Zuko. From the way the scar on his left eye ran from his infamous and utterly embarrassing Agni Kai with the Fire Lord, the emblems of the fire nation on his metal suit, signalling his identity.

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