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Scene 11

8:52am, Yuta's Mansion

"Where's Sicheng?" Yuta asked as he walked through his front door. He hadn't expected to stay at work all night, but the company was having some technical problems. Irene was sitting on the couch, reading the book Sicheng had. It was almost comical how hard she was trying to replace him.

"Oh, he left."

Yuta paused while taking his shoes off. "Left?"

"Yes, he said he couldn't do this to his brother anymore. What an awful thing to do, leaving Rin all alone." The woman answered nonchalantly, flipping a page in the book.

"Leaving Rin alone? Seriously?" Yuta asked incredulously, anger bubbling in his stomach. He had no idea Sicheng could do that to them.

"Thanks for coming, Irene." Yuta hugged the elderly lady, who smiled happily.

"I missed this, Yuta. Now that Sicheng is gone, everything can go back to normal."

"Sicheng isn't gone, not yet. I need to talk to him still." Yuta eyed her suspiciously, but he was too mad at Sicheng to implore into Irene's odd behavior.

Sicheng, on the other hand, thought he was going to die in the stupid cell he was stuck in. His body was sore and bruised, his mind forever scarred. He longed to be home again, locked in Yuta's embrace with a cuddly Rin in his lap, but all he had was his foster brother's arms around his waist and an awful smelling blanket. It had already been almost twenty-four hours, and yet no sign of Yuta. Whatever Irene had said must have been really bad for Yuta to not come looking for him.

He sighed, sliding out of Kun's grip. He winced as he hit the floor, a searing pain racing up his backside. It wasn't pleasant like it was when he was with Yuta. It was a terrifying reminder that he was still here and he was still trapped.

Yuta had to come for him, he had too. Sicheng wasn't a big believer in fate, but something had told him that summer day to make his hair a little fluffier. Something that day had told him that a walk in the park sounded quite ideal, and for some reason unknown to Sicheng, a force had pulled him to little Rin. Sicheng did not find kids cute, and he definitely didn't like them touching him. But Rin's hand in his hair didn't bother him for some reason, his high-pitch laugh and loud screams only made him happy. So no, Sicheng didn't really believe in fate, but he certainly believed he was brought to Yuta for a reason. He just hoped that if fate was real, it brought Yuta to him once again.

Sicheng sat on the farthest bench from Kun and closed his eyes, hoping to sleep his problems away.

Rin opened his eyes and let out a yawn. Coon was being strangled to death under his arm but he could care less as he waddled out of his bedroom.

"Sicheng? Daddy?" He called out into the empty hallway. Yuta peeked around the doorframe hearing his son's yells.

"Good morning, sleepy head." He grinned and flattened out his son's unruly hair. Irene had left a few hours ago, saying she had some business to attend too. Yuta was grateful she had been there to stay with Rin when Sicheng abandoned him.

"Where's Sichengie?" Rin asked as his father led him to the living room and handed him a bowl of Lucky Charms. Yuta switched on Cartoon Network before answering.

"He left."

Rin looked at him with confusion. He could have sworn he saw the blue lights last night, and he most definitely heard them. Sicheng didn't leave, no way, he was taken by the men with the guns.

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