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Scene 7

10:33pm, Seoul Bridge

Sicheng was covered in a reddish liquid that Yuta assumed was blood, his usually fluffy hair matted to his head from the red substance. His beautiful eyes were sporting a terrifyingly dark bruise that somehow complimented his fair skin. Yuta could see that Sicheng was physically wrecked, but the prominent eyebags and permanent frown told him the boy was emotionally destroyed. Yuta didn't know what he was thinking when he reached out for the boy's slim wrist, something in him could just feel the unexplained tension and nervousness that radiated off of Sicheng. Yuta was around Rin enough to know when someone was hiding something. If Sicheng's hoodie didn't give it away, his obvious discomfort when Yuta grabbed his wrist did. 

Yuta's spender fingers trailed up the soft hoodie, coming to rest on the rough patches of skin hiding underneath. Sicheng hissed, but eventually got used to the feeling of Yuta's hands. He was too ashamed to look at the man in front of him, too scared to see the judgment and disappointment in his eyes.

Yuta's other hand crept up Sicheng's neck, finally settling on his cheek. Yuta turned the depressed boys face towards him, staring straight into his eyes, showing him he wasn't disappointed in him.

"I'm worried, Sicheng, and I'm scared. But I'm not disappointed, you're not a disappointment. You're a fallen angel, and you're here with me, on this stupid fucking bridge for a reason. And I've finally figured out what that reason is," Yuta inhaled deeply, bringing their foreheads together and giving Sicheng a gentle kiss on his nose. "You need help getting back to heaven."

Sicheng nodded shyly, softly pushing Yuta off of him.

"Rin," he said, voice cracking from his unshed tears.

"Oh shit, I forgot about him. What a great father I am," Yuta chuckled, pulling Sicheng to his feet, careful to avoid his fresh cuts.

"I guess I should go home," Sicheng mumbled, beginning to distance himself from Yuta.

"Wrong way, dummy. Home is that way," Yuta pointed in the direction of his mansion, holding Sicheng back by his hood. "You're crazy if you think I'm letting you go back there without an explanation."

Sicheng began to protest but Yuta just ignored him and dragged him to his house. It wasn't much of a fight. Sicheng himself knew he was safer with Yuta than anywhere else, but he had developed a sort of dependence on his brother. No matter what he said or did to Sicheng, he would always come running back. Whether it be from the debt he thought he owed to Kun or the guilt, he always found himself running back to his brother in the end.

It was unhealthy, Sicheng knew it, his parents knew it before they died, but he was powerless to stop it. Or at least he was before he met Yuta.

"Tell me what happened?" Yuta asked, opening his lavish door.

"Shower first?" Sicheng suggested, pointing at his hair and dirty clothes. Yuta nodded and led him to the bathroom, Sicheng blushed as he entered the room, which didn't go unnoticed by Yuta.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked, turning the dial in the shower to warm. Sicheng blushed more, unable to answer Yuta's question without stuttering.

"I- uh, found something in here once, um, yeah," he mumbled, covering his burning face.

"What was it?" Yuta asked curiously, getting Sicheng a towel from the large linen closet Sicheng had found on his first night here.

"Itwasyourcondoms," he spoke quickly, praying Yuta didn't hear him.

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