Somewhere Adventure

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Perseus had work to do, and I needed to tend to my crafts. I spent the morning spinning and weaving. Then I sculpted and played the lyre. Though I tried to keep busy, my thoughts were never far from my guest.

Perseus had a mission, it was important and he would soon be on his way, yet I couldn't help but find him entertaining. I thought about his glittering blue eyes, bursting with excitement. The wry turn of his smile, filled with mischief. 

Perseus was full of energy, but there was a heart beneath his wild exterior. He was sensitive, poetic. I liked him.

After a long day I felt myself growing hungry. I had a snack for lunch, but now I was ravenous for dinner. I made my way to the dinning hall where food magically served itself, winding my veil around my face.

"Ah, there you are." Perseus appeared, a grin on his boyish face. "Come, I have something to show you."

He took my hand and eagerly pulled me along. I stopped short when I glimpsed the surprise. There were two round tables, but one sat in front of the other. The chairs were faced towards a broad, polished mirror.

"I caught your reflection by accident this morning," he explained, "but it made me realize that we could still see each other using mirrors. Isn't that exciting? We can have a face to face conversation without ever looking at each other!"

I laughed at his logic and took a seat at the table closest to the mirror. Perseus sat at the table behind me and we smiled at each other in the mirror.

"Er, you can take your veil off." He coaxed.

I paused for a moment, then took a deep breath and slowly unwound the cloth.

"Amazing," he said in a small whisper, gazing into my eyes.

I returning his gaze, feeling shy. Blushing, I lowered my eyes and saw food had appeared on my plate. "Have you spoken to Athena?" I asked, taking a bite.

"Ah, yes, the goddess of wisdom. She has not revealed herself to me since she gave me these gifts. I feel confident, though, that Athena will come when the time is right. No need for me to fret."

I had to laugh at his logic. "That is exactly what I think." 

Perseus grinned. "I bet we have loads in common."

I blushed and lowered my head. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, we both know what it's like to be stuck, unable to go out into the world and seek adventure." He said.

"You're here now." I pointed out.

"Yes," Perseus dropped his eyes, "but I know the feeling."

"You look sad," I noted. "I'm sorry, maybe I should't have..."

"It's not you," Perseus interrupted. "You are not the only with with a terrible fate over your head." Perseus ran a shaky hand over his face and looked off into the distance. "My mother has suffered greatly because of me. An oracle foretold that I would kill my Grandfather, so he locked me and my mother in a box and tossed us in the ocean. That's why we live in a small town, that's why she's afraid to leave. It's all because of me."

Perseus looked so sad, I found myself wanting to comfort him.

"When I first came here, I was hurt and bitter. I used Athena's gift to hide away from the world. I was angry for a long time. Eventually my soul healed and I found peace. No matter what your mother went through, I think you are her peace, and someday, you will find yours as well."

Perseus brightened up considerably at that. "You really think so?"

"Of course. Whatever your past may have been, it's clear to me that you are destined for great things." I answered.

Perseus sat up straight in his chair, his eyes glittered with excitement. "Since you've helped me, I think I've found a way to help you."

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked.

"You've shared your peace with me, let me share my adventure with you."

I gasped and looked away. "No, no that's not possible."

Perseus picked his helmet up off the floor and placed it on his table. He gave me a triumphant smile. "You can wear Hades' helm of darkness that will keep you hidden. I'll use Hermes' sandals to fly you over the city. You can't say no. It'll be perfectly safe and-" he hesitated and looked shy for a moment, "you'll be with me. I won't let anything happen to you."

I had to smile at his optimism. "If we're flying...I suppose it couldn't hurt."

"Good!" Perseus turned away and covered his eyes. "Put the helmet on, quick! There's no time to waste."

I laughed and put on the helmet. I turned towards the mirror to make sure I was completely invisible before I told Perseus he could turn around.

"Excellent," He replied. "I can't see you at all, will you take my hand?"

I moved closer to him and did as he asked. Without another word he led me to entrance of my estate.

"Can you climb on my back?" He asked.

I did as requested and in another moment, Perseus leaped lightly into the air and we were soaring through the crisp, night sky. 

I had my arms around Perseus' shoulders and admired the curve of his neck. His shoulders were thick and muscular, his skin tan and smooth. I felt my heart beat a little faster as I took in his golden curls, and forced my gaze to night sky.

"This is beautiful!" I cried in delight and felt a laugh escape my lips. The sky was dark as obsidian was dotted pure, white stars. They glittered from their positions in the heavens like diamonds.

"There's Aquila," Perseus pointed out. "The eagle with the power to bring rain, and is the keeper of Zeus' lightning bolts. Over there is Cygnus, the swan. Oooh, look! There's Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown!"

We flew like that for some time, with the cool wind on my face and Perseus shouting constellations and their meanings. Sometimes we flew over towns and cities and I peered down without fear. Other times he took me over large bodies of water and I watched the waves crash peacefully."

After some time Perseus asked if I had seen enough. I indicated that I had and he made our way back to my home. 

It was dark when we landed. I shut the door behind me and laughed. "I can't even see my hand in front of my face!"

"Here, you can have your helm back." I took off the headpiece and Perseus and I groped for each other in the dark. 

Finally our hands found each other, but Perseus cast the helm aside. "That's not what I want." He said in a husky voice. In another moment I felt his fingers, as he traced the outline of my face. I could feel his hot breath puff against my cheeks.

His hands were soft, curious. The snakes in my hair lay quiet and for the first time in my life, I let a man touch me, willingly. 

His thumb grazed the outline of my lips and he asked. "May I kiss you?"

"Yes," I replied. 

His hand cupped my chin and his soft lips gently pressed against mine.

I drank it in. His scent, his touch. A feeling of exhilaration filled me. 

"Yes," I whispered again, as Perseus held me close, but carefully. Our clothes slipped off our bodies and we sank to the floor in perfect bliss.

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