Midnight Rendezvous

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When I shut the door to my chambers, I considered barricading the entrance. I dwelt on the thought for several long minutes before shrugging and climbing into bed. Surely Athena would not have sent Perseus if she thought he was dangerous. 

And if he was? Well, that's what my gifts where for.

I resided in the ruins of an old castle that sat atop a jagged mountainside. A relic of my family's former glory. 

I rolled over to face the window when I heard a rustling behind me. 

"Medusa, I have come."

I rolled over and nearly shouted in joy when I saw Athena. Leaping out of bed, I embraced her in a tight hug. 

"It has been long, too long," I said into her hair.

I heard her chuckle and then I pulled away.

"Why do you come so late?" I asked.

Athena looked pained at the question. She walked over to my bed and sank into the mattress, heaving a deep sigh.

"Medusa, I have often wondered if I did right by you, when I turned the beauty of your face into a weapon." She said.

I sank down on the mattress beside her. "I don't understand," I told her. "You were protecting me, I've always been grateful for that. If I've given the impression of anything else-"

Athena held up a hand and gently shook her head. She gave a sad smile. "Medusa, you are the only mortal gorgon. Your life will come to an end, and is therefor all the more precious. Yet, I have shut you away with only your sisters for company. You can not be happy."

"I am content." I answered, unsure where this was coming from.

"But are you happy?" She pressed, looking anxious.

"I am at peace," I answered firmly. "I want for nothing. I would change nothing."

Athena glanced down at her feet. She looked deep in thought. 

"That may be how you feel...for now." She finally broke the silence. "A time may come when you want more, when you want your life to have meaning, purpose."

Athena turned to grasp my hand and I was surprised to see the tears in her eyes. "You have my blessing. Whatever your choice may be, go with my blessing."

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