Morning Bliss

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When I woke the next morning, I lay in bed and thought about what Athena said. It didn't make sense to me, not yet. But my experience with the gods told me that when the time was right, I would understand.

I rolled out of bed and dressed. Taking a thick, black shawl I draped it over my face in case Perseus and I accidentally ran into each other. It was difficult to see, and it made my face hot, but it was better than adding another statue to my collection. 

I had left Perseus by the front door and I headed there now. 

As I drew closer and saw the sunlight spilling across the floor, I stopped short. There were glowing constellations spread out across the floor. White, blue and silver curved and spiraled into shapes and stories that took my breath away.

"Do you like it?"

I spun around to look at Perseus and stumbled over my words. "Why- yes. It-its' so beautiful."

Perseus smiled and glanced down at his drawings. "I grew up in a small town. I always dreamed of leaving and having my own adventures. I couldn't just leave though, my mother depended on me. So I stayed, and filled my soul on the stories in the stars."

He looked at the ground and gave a quiet smile. "It all seems so long ago. I'm a different person now."

I knelt and gently traced my fingers along the pictures. "I know how you feel. Sometimes I-I wish I could leave. I have everything I need here, I am content, but there's so many things I haven't seen or done."

Perseus looked interested. "So you've never left? Not even to the nearest town? It's not uncommon for travelers to hide their face." 

I shuddered and shook my head. "No, no. I couldn't, there are too many risks."

"To others, or to yourself?" Perseus asked. His voice was soft and warm.

In spite of my hesitation, I felt myself being honest with him. "Both," I answered. "I know that there's beauty and miracles in the world, but I saw the ugliest side of humanity and I can't forget it." 

"I am sorry for that." Perseus wrinkled his brow in concern. "I wish there was something I could do to take away that memory."

I shrug. "It's not so bad. I am content here."

"You've said that." Perseus noted. "But being content is not the same as being happy."

I thought about Athena's words to me last night. How similar they were! I decide not to answer Perseus. I keep my eyes on his drawings, partially obscured through my thick black veil.

"I'd like to see your work better. May I...?" I motion towards my face.

Perseus nods and turns away. "Let me know when you've finished.

I lift my veil and my eyes eagerly drink in the intrinsic art. The detail was stunning and for a moment I was swept up in emotion and the pictures seemed to reach out and speak to me. I could see their stories, spread out across my floor, as clearly as though they were being acted out in front of me.

I looked for a long time, until I felt I was being greedy. I started to cover my face when I saw Perseus looking at me.

I froze for a moment, but it was only our reflections in the mirror. 

Perseus looked stunned, amazed. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes were open wide. "By the gods, you are beautiful. He whispered. 

His words didn't frighten me. I didn't feel that he was a threat, I could trust this Perseus that Athena sent to me. 

I smiled and pulled the veil over my face.

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