Almost Definitely...

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Ok, I couldn't wait, I know you guys, and I know you want to fangirl, and a chapter of just 500 or so words isn't enough... SO HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOO!

(After the whole trip is over, maybe a month after)

"Kusuo..." Kokomi was having a nightmare.

*Good Grief, She has been having nightmares all week and for some reason I can't see what they are, she won't even tell me outside of her dreams.*

"Ku...Suo..." Kokomi was starting to toss and turn. "Ku... no... don't... Kusuo... stop..." A tear appeared in her eye.

Saiki began to get worried, so he started to shake her, "Kokomi wake up, you're having a nightmare"

"KUSUO!" Kokomi shot upright, panting, sweating, and crying. She took a look around, and then quickly buried her face in Saiki's chest, holding him in what had to be the worlds biggest bear hug.

Saiki tried what he did every night, "What did you dream about?" As soon as he did, Kokomi's mind was filled with nothing but (Nothing, nothing at all, don't worry) as she said that statement out loud.

"Kokomi... that's obviously not true, please... tell me, if not for me than for yourself. I can help, but I have to know what it is."

She hesitated, tried to hold back, but she just couldn't, she went in and hugged him again and spoke, slightly muffled by Saiki's chest, "I-It's... I-I-I'm... W-We... IT'S US BREAKING UP! And I-In the D-D-Dream It W-Was M-My fault!" She is now bawling, hugging Saiki so hard it may contest her last record.

"Kokomi..." Saiki said in an out of character soothing voice,"Kokomi, I already promised, and I also promised myself never to let this get ruined. You are the only one I have or will ever love. You and you alone Kokomi... You stole my heart, so I stole yours. I would never break up with you. You and I are made for each other, You somehow can get my sympathetic and caring side out, and I am able to get to know the real you. But the real you doesn't discourage me. At all. Kokomi, I will love you forever, I will never stop. So please, rest easy..."

Kokomi was too shocked to do anything, she has never drawn out THIS much emotion from the emotional fort knox. But that wasn't her goal, in fact, she didn't have a goal other than to live happily with Saiki. Forever.

"T-thankyou, Ku-Kusuo." She said, still half sobbing.

And they layed back down, cuddled close, and slowly fell asleep together. Saiki making a mental note to do more than just talk if this problem should arise again.


Kokomi woke slowly, noticing she was clutching, hard, onto Saiki. She carefully released and stood up. Teruhashi decided to make breakfast for Saiki in return for helping her last night.

2 hours later...

Saiki woke up to the smell of Bacon, eggs, toast, and... Coffee Jelly? not gonna question it. Saiki slowly rose and followed the scent as if he were in a cartoon Cough Cough... as Kokomi saw him floating down the stairs, she burst out laughing, nearly dropping the eggs.

Saiki didn't mind. He got food. For the fastest way to a mans heart is through his stomach after all.

Kokomi sat down with Saiki, But as Saiki reached for the eggs with his fork, she snatched it form him. "Open up, here comes the airplane!" She started waving the fork full of eggs around his face, making a beautiful, but menacing smirk.

Saiki crossed his arms rebelliously... "Hmph"

"Oh come on Kusuo... Just open your mouth, I mean obviously you are okay with this, or else you would just take the fork back."

*Sigh*"Alright" Saiki opens his mouth, as Kokomi slowly puts the fork in.

"See? wasn't so hard was it?" She grins at herself, then retreats to her food. But, unexpectedly, Saiki lifted her fork out of her hand telekinetically.

"Hey... No fair..." Kokomi pouted.

"Ahem, open up." Saiki said mockingly.

Kokomi turned her head away and crossed her arms Defiantly. But Saiki used Telekinesis to undo all of that and open her mouth, and floated the food in.

Kokomi ate it, but she glared a little at Saiki, trying to think of a plan while blocking her thoughts by repeatedly thinking the same thing over and over (I Don't know, Slightly tired so eh)

Kokomi lit up, and jumped on the table and tackled Saiki, forcing him to the ground. "I have the perfect idea..." She said with a devilish grin. And sat on him so he couldn't move normally. And she reached up and grabbed... a coffee jelly.

Saiki's eyes widened, "You wouldn't..."

"Yes I would." As she downed the whole thing in one.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo..." Saiki said, defeated.

"I win."

"Yes, you win, now... You have another right?" Saiki asked pleadingly.

Still sitting on his stomach, she reached up and grabbed another, got up, and gave it to him.

Saiki's face softened, "You *Mmm* Really are *Nom* An Angel..." Saiki said in between bites.

"Eh, I try my best." She said grinning.

They both enjoyed the rest of the day.

Ok, so here I am, writing on my computer. and I get a notification on my phone, thinking its a text or something, I take a look and Lucy_Heartfilia7 voted for the previous chapter 5 minutes in... I'm like "Ok, dedication I guess." Then about 10 minutes later, another one... Hazey-moonlights, has also voted. "Oh boy, maybe this is an interesting read... maybe." Then another 10 mins after, setsuna27tsubasa also voted. "Heck I'm too famous, gonna have to hire a fat person to block the Paparazzi."

ANYWAYS what I wanted to say was thankyou guys for reading this out of the way fanfic.


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