Author Note #2

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I know what you are thinking... "*Groan* Another author note... GET ON WITH THE STORY!"

But, i need to clarify a few things, First, Thankyou for those who have been reading. I really wouldn't have done too much without your support (i know, cheesy stereotypical 'thank you' thing, but it had to be said, and what better way than to do it in a cheesy fashion.)

Second, This story is nearing my limits, honestly have a few ideas, but it may end soon... (and if you are reading this in the future, and see there are like 20 chapters, ignore this...)Every good thing must come to an end... I really want to continue this, but writing is time consuming, and it takes a lot of thought... which takes more time.

Third... I may start another Saiki fanfic, maybe an X reader, maybe another X Teru, but either wya it will be seperate from this one.

Thankyou, and continue reading when the next chapter is here...

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