Snowy Day

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 "oh" Talking

[oh] thoughts

    Saiki woke with a start,"Why is it so calm" he asked himself. He looked around happily, wondering why he couldn't hear voices. He was hopeful, hopeful that his powers receded and no longer existed. he started his regular tests, but as soon as he tried to hover, he started to hover. It was then Saiki realized he left his Germanium ring on,[Oh] Saiki thought,"Well that's disappointing." Saiki left his room and went downstairs, still leaving his ring on. After about 30 minutes Saiki decided to head for school. He noticed it was cold, so he increased his temperature.

     [Today is the day] Teruhashi thought,[Today i will make Saiki say 'Oh!'] With a determined look Kokomi got dressed and went downstairs, telling herself that she will do it. As soon as she reached the bottom step her brother Makoto spoke up,"You look beautiful today" Teruhashi didn't respond, but thought to herself [I look beautiful everyday.] She got her stuff ready but as she was going for her winter gear she decided against it,[if im going to make Saiki say Oh, i need to be as presentable as possible, but it is cold... I will bring a light coat and a scarf.]

     When Saiki reached PK academy, it was snowing blankets, or snowing really hard if you do not understand the analogy. What? What do you mean i forgot Teruhashi? Oh no, she got too cold in the snow and is passed out... What? what do you mean I didn't mention this? Well at least get saiki to save her? ok fine... Ahem AUTHOR POWERS ACTIVATE!!! . Saiki's germanium ring fell off, and thoughts came flooding into his mind, interrupting his peace. but the ring fell in the snow, and he didn't feel like looking for it for some reason (*cough cough* lazy writing) and decided to browse thoughts. and noticed that Teruhashi's were missing. he decided to use Clairvoyance to investigate, and noticed she was unconscious. He had to save her, after all he has gone through many troubles to in the past, like the bear, or the three teenagers. so he went to the front door, grabbed his shoes, and teleported to get her, but as he was picking her up, he thought bringing her to the school like this would be a bad idea, and he couldn't bring her to her own house, because she had already left, and her brother was likely still there (and he would go insane if he saw Saiki doing this) Saiki decided that the best option was to nurse her to health in his own home. [Yes] Saiki thought, [this may be a little weird, but it is the least risky path to take]. As Saiki returned home his mother heard him and asked why he was home, and as she rounded the corner she saw Teruhashi. She asked what was wrong, Saiki quickly explained to her and she let Saiki pass. as Saiki climbed the stairs Teruhashi slowly started to wake, but not enough to realize what was going on. She started to wonder if this was a dream, so she hugged Saiki while still in his arms and she noticed that he was a little warm, hot maybe. Saiki reached his room and layed her down on his bed. He teleported away to buy a heavy electric blanket. But as he teleported Teruhashi questioned still if this was a dream or not, but when she saw Saiki teleport, she was certain that this was impossible, but still she had a feeling that this was somehow all real. when she wished for the castle, it did not come, when she wished for Saiki to return, it took him much longer than she expected. When Saiki did return however, and layed a blanket over her, she felt the need to sleep, so she did. about an hour later she woke up, felling fresh, but still groggy, she stretched and yawned, but it took her a minute to realise she was still in Saiki's room. And over in the corner, on a spare mattress was Saiki, now asleep. [This isn't a dream?] Teruhashi wondered. "No it's not" Saiki replied now sitting straight up, looking in Teruhashi's direction "You passed out in that alley, i came to save you, you should have worn warmer clothes." Teruhashi was releaved, and also excited, this was Saiki's room! But then it dawned on her, She was sure she said that in her head, "What's going on?" Teruhashi asked. "What do you mean? I said you got too cold and passed out in the alley." Saiki responded[I shouldn't have responded]. Teruhashi asked again, but now with more detail, "I never asked if this was a dream, hehe I thought it... must be a coincidence, don't laugh, I just... I don't know." Teruhashi was now smiling and blushing. [well, it's gone too far now, I can't just erase her memory, after all she has more than a minutes worth of me showing my abilities.] Saiki thought, and after told her, "Teruhashi." He now had Teruhashi's attention, and she looked at him as if to say,"Yes?" Saiki continued,"Teruhashi, I'm a Psychic."

Saiki K. That Fateful Snowy DayWhere stories live. Discover now