Still standing suspiciously close to Cas, he looked at the angel and took a step back. Because no one said a word Dean decided to leave and do some research to distract himself, leaving a confused Cas behind him.
Dean closed the book and shook his head. He still hadn't found out what kind of demon was able to 'run his own business'. It was dark now, which he found out as he looked out of the window, searching for answers. He checked his watch and was surprised to see that it was already 11 PM. Now that he saw the time he noticed his growling stomach.

He sighed, stood up and walked towards the kitchen to get some pie. He opened the fridge but saw none. Enough was enough. He was already frustrated because he didn't find anything helpful for the case. Now somebody ate his pie. Today was definitely not his day. Instead of yelling for Sam he decided to look inside the living room. The pie-thief was probably eating it on the couch. But when he entered he saw Cas sitting in an armchair - an empty plate in front of him.

"Cas you- you ate my pie?" He was confused. Why would he do that? But Dean didn't want to yell at Cas. He didn't want to because he just realized how much this person was to him and it just didn't feel like the right thing to do. So he smiled and said that it didn't matter and that he'd wanted to give it to him anyway. Cas raised his eyebrows in surprise. He surely didn't expect this answer. A shy smile crossed the angel's face as he stood up.

His eyes begun to shine again. Dean knew exactly that once he'd look into his eyes, he couldn't look away. But as hard as he tried not to look at him, he couldn't help it. His eyes were still gorgeous..but there was something else. Dean's eyes wandered to Cas' lips, which got him thinking about their kiss. Suddenly he felt his heart beating faster and his hands were sweating. What was happening? Secretly he knew exactly what was going on. The butterflies in his stomach didn't seem to calm down and his stomach felt sick.

He had a crush on Cas. He felt himself getting nervous and searching for words. Cas must've noticed because he tried to calm him down with reassuring words. He probably thought Dean was panicking because of the case or something. He surely didn't know that Dean was acting like that because of him. Cas laid a hand on Dean's shoulder, still trying to soothe him. This physical contact only made Dean more fussy.

Without thinking, the hunter raised his hands and gently touched Cas' neck. He took another step towards Cas, pressing his body against the angel's. He gently brushed along Cas' skin, looking straight into his eyes. 'Now or never..' He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as a try to calm himself down a bit. It didn't work so he knew he only had one other option. 'Kiss him, Dean!' He leaned forward, pressing their foreheads together. He could feel Cas' hot breath on his skin, his hands slowly wandering to the hunter's back. No one said a word. They just wanted to enjoy the moment. And because Cas still didn't tell him to back up he decided that he should go for it.

Before he could decide otherwise, Dean leaned in and softly touched Cas' lips with his own. The touch got more intensive and at some point they were making out in the living room, Dean pressing Cas against the wall. It was the best feeling Dean's ever had. Cas' lips crashing against his, the angel's hands on his chest. He felt loved and wanted. After they kissed for a while they suddenly heard Sam's voice. "What the..."

Dean turned around to say Sam how much he'd wanted that. He wanted to say that this was the best decision he's ever made and that he was so lucky. But instead, he said the one thing that made everything worse. "I'm sorry Cas, this was a mistake.." With these words he rushed out of the room. Dean's behaviour hurt the angel so much that his tears started falling again and he collapsed. Sam was surprised at first but the surprise soon changed into anger.

He helped Cas to his feet and after he made sure he was somewhat okay he ran to Dean's room. Luckily the door wasn't locked and Sam could enter. He started yelling at Dean. Telling him that he broke Cas' heart again, that he screwed up again. But it seemed like Dean wasn't even listening. Sam decided to stop yelling. It was for nothing, Dean had made his decision. But he couldn't let it go. He had to ask. "Dean..I know you like Cas so what is it?" No response. "I know it might be hard to admit but..I see the way you look at him. I saw how you two kissed each other. I noticed everything so why won't you tell me?"

Sam was desperate for an answer. He just wanted Dean to finally tell him the truth. "I love him, Sam." Dean wanted to continue but he felt tears forming in his eyes. He knew he broke Cas' heart and this knowledge broke his own too. Because Dean didn't say anything, Sam asked him another important question that he'd asked himself so many times. "Then..why are you being so rude? Why do you keep hurting him?"

Dean shook his head and looked to the floor. He wanted to remain quiet but there was always something he wanted to tell Sam and now was the time to do it. "I love him, Sam..What do you think? Why have I never been in a real relationship? Because every time I let somebody in my life they get hurt. Just look at Lisa! Look at you!"

Tears were streaming down Dean's face and his knees got so weak that he had to sit down onto the floor. "I don't want Cas to get hurt.." His voice was filled with sobs and Dean's eyes were starting to become swollen. But he was finally telling the truth, he was finally saying what he'd wanted to say.

And Sam understood him, he did. But all he wanted was for Dean to be happy. "Our lives are dangerous, Dean. But Cas is an angel. I'm pretty sure he won't get hurt so fast. And if he really loves you as much as you love him, there'll be nothing to stop you two from being together." He desperately tried to convince Dean that he couldn't put Cas in any danger. Cas wouldn't allow Dean to burden himself with that.

Apparently it worked. Dean stood up and dried his cheeks with the back of his hand. He smiled at Sam, saying an inaudible 'thank you' and got out of the room. While he was searching for Cas, he practised what he wanted to say to him but he seemed to be good at hiding. Dean looked into the living room -no Cas. Then he went into the kitchen -still no one. Even his room was empty. Finally he went to the bathroom and knocked on the closed door. "Cas?" He sounded so hopeful. But the person who opened the door wasn't Cas. It was Charlie. She looked angry, rather furious.

"Who do you think you are? Breaking Cas' heart two times in a row and then trying to apologize with a piece of pie?" Dean looked down and noticed the apple pie he had bought to eat with Cas. In his fantasy, this was much easier and a lot kinkier. Just when he wanted to explain it to her, she shut the door and locked it. "Please open the door I need to talk to Cas!" Dean desperatly knocked on the door. No answer. Tears started falling down his cheeks again. "This time I really screwed up..." He whispered to himself and sat down on the floor in front of the bathroom door, ready to confront Cas when he got out.

Truth Or Dare (Destiel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें