Best Friends' Fights

Start from the beginning

Teresa and Thomas are the only ones quiet, the two too hurt to direct any word to their best friend.

As the minutes pass by, moms and dads show up to pick their children up, and the room starts getting less crowded.

And that's when Teresa can't hold it anymore. She's been thinking for a long time on what she's going to say to Brenda, but now she's done. She just wants to straight things up, and even if she's disappointed, she just wants her friend back, and that's the most important thing for her.

"Brenda?" Teresa calls, her voice quiet, barely a whisper.

Brenda looks at her, and Teresa tries to ignore her cold stare.

"You promised." It's the only thing that comes out of Teresa's mouth, and Thomas nods in agreement.

"So what? It's mine, I do whatever I want with it and I let whoever I want to play with it." Brenda spats, shutting up Teresa immediately.

"You let people you barely know 'play with it' and not your best friends?" Teresa asks, her voice extremely calm as Brenda stands up.

"Listen, Teresa, I don't even know why I'm your friend, even more best friend."

Teresa stands up as well, walking towards Brenda trying her best to block the tears from forming in her eyes.

"I never liked you, I just got close to you because of Thomas." She admits, smiling as she does so.

Teresa closes her hands into tight fists, trying to control the rage starting to build inside of her.

"And you know what? Screw you and your stupid friend!" Brenda shouts, earning the attention from the teachers, causing them to walk towards them.

"I'm not your friend anymore." Teresa manages to say, letting the tears out as she says those words.

Brenda and Teresa knew each other since they were babies, and ending up a strong friendship because of a stupid, irrelevant thing just breaks her heart.

"Good, because I never wanted to be your friend anyway." And then Brenda walks away to her other friends, leaving a destroyed, crying Teresa behind, asking herself what she did wrong.

She feels a pair of arms wrapping around her, and she sees her teacher caressing her hair.

"Shh, Teresa, it's okay. Some friendships aren't meant to last forever, you know? Some will leave, but new ones will come too." Her teacher says as Teresa sniffles and cleans her tears with her little hands. "And I'm sure your friend over there is worrying about you a lot."

Teresa lifts her head, seeing Thomas looking intently at her with worried eyes, figuring out if she's okay or not. Obviously he knows she's not, but seeing her cry is something new for him.

Teresa nods, and makes her way towards Thomas, who gives her a soft, sad smile.

The two walk in silence until they reach a window, looking out into the rainy evening that's turning darker each passing minute.

"Don't worry about it Teresa, she never deserved your friendship after all." Thomas says, looking at Teresa, receiving a small smile as response.

Thomas approaches his head to the window, and blows some air into it, condensation creating a small portion of the window to become blurred.

Teresa watches in confusion as he lifts his index finger, writing something in the condensation and drawing something as well.

When she makes up what it's written on the window, she can't help but smile, and the tears she once was letting out stop, leaving her with a comforting feeling on her body.

A big, chubby heart is drawn on the window, and written inside of it with a careful but messy handwriting, are the three most powerful words someone can ever say:

I love you.


Annnd that's it!

Fun fact! This is actually a true story, because it happened to me when I was that age. I remember that day vividly, since it was a bad and pretty good day at the same time 😂

"Thomas" and I liked each other, and we once were together (you know, those childish relationships 😅) but for some unknown reason we broke up, and this happened some time after 😂

So yeah, hope you liked it and until next chap!

Love you! ❤️

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