The show

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Abi 's POV

We walked out of our dressing room And the boys were laughing like they were little school girls who have a crush on someone.

Abi : What are you boys laughing about?

Mikey : Nothing

Abi : Ok Then

Blair : Come on there is only 15 mins intill the show starts

**Andy came and pulled me over and talked to me **

Andy : Can i have a word please

Abi : Yep are you ok

Andy : I need to ask you something

Abi : Go ahead

Andy : do any of the girls like any of the boys ?

Abi : Yep . i love you and you know that. Every one loves someone but Charlie is only crushing she is not sure about it yet.

Andy : Ok

Blair : Everyone please come here. Ok. Everyone this is the plan Roadtrip you go one first and sing No No No and then sing I wasn't worried. Then you sing your cover with Harvey so There's Nothing holding me back. Then you sing secret love song with the girls.

All :Ok Thanks Dad Blair


Andy : Hey every one
** all of the crowed screamed like they had just won X -factor of something **

** We started to sing No No No and then I wasn't worried**

Rye : Girls and Boys for this next song we need 6 voices instead of 5 so give a warm welcome to

Jack : Our good friend HARVEY

We started to sing There's nothing Holding my back and then when we finished the girls started to sing and walked on.

Alex's POV

We went on stage singing secret love song and then the boys started to sing as well it was the best thing ever to happen to me.
30 minutes into the show

Me : I have something to say. Roadies you are amazing but why are you giving my best friend hate.
Abi : Very good question for all we know one of you guys in this very room has been giving me hate. " My relationship wIt's Andy fake , I am cheating and I am a snake ?" Well it's not true so please just stop.
Andy : If Abi was cheating on me then why would I ask her this.
** I always knew that Andy had a thing for Abi but I didn't think it would happen"

Andy's POV
I was just about to ask Abi something but then Jack wanted to tell Amy something

Jacks POV

Jack : Sorry Andy But I need to say something. Amy I love you. You are amazing and ever since the day I saw your eyes I will and always have loved you.
Amy : I feel the same way I have always thought that one day you would say all of this but not on stage.
Jack : Come here for a HUG. Brook save it don't say a word.

Rye's POV

Rye : I have something to say as well. Kate I have also always loved you
Kate : Let me stop you there I love you even more then I have loved anyone else so you don't have to say anything. I have always thought that you have loved me.
Rye : Really
** The crowd were going metal over all the love things**

Harvey PoV
Harvey : Lily come here ever since we were lab partners in Science at college to this day now I have always liked you and now it has turned into something else.
Lily : Oh my god. Why do I feel the same as you
** Lily went over and gave Harvey a kiss on the check and the crowd went mental over it **
Brooks PoV

Brook: Ever since I was 16 I have been head over heals for you Alex and I always will be. Do you remember when I gave you that book when I was 10 and it said
Alex: That one day we would be married and have 2 kids and have a dog named Lewis.
Brook : Oh my god you still remember
Alex : Of course I remember in fact I still have the book it's on my bookshelf at home.
** I went over a kissed her forehead and the crowd were screaming **

Mikey PoV

Mikey : I know I may not be your type but Charlie I have a thing for you and you may not have a thing for me but that won't change the way I feel about you.
Charlie: Ok I do like you but it is only a crush I haven't made up mind if you are the one but come here for a hug.

Andy's PoV

Andy : Can I get back to what i was saying now ?
Others : yes Andy
Andy : Ok Abi Ella Rose since the day I met you at your first trial to get to 6th beat or at the time it was 5th beat I have loved you. I was obsessed with you. You can any of the boys but trust me I was so
Rye : Oh my god he would not stop talking about you
Andy : Like it was saying so
Abi : Yes
Andy : Would you ..... like to be my girlfriend
Abi : Of course I would.
Andy : Go on Brook I know you are dying to say it
Brook :Oooohhhooohhh
Andy : Come here for a kiss
** They Kissed and carried on with the show**

Thank you for reading the last part of the story bit there will be a next story don't you worry
Esmè 🌵🌵 Xx

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