In the Hotel

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Blair got the Hotel conformation email. It said :       Thank you for choosing our hotel to stay in for your trip. You have ordered rooms 16,17,18,19. Any questions please ask the hotel staff or room service.
Thank you Hotel staff

Blair looked again and saw that he only booked 4 rooms but lucky they all had 2 double beds . So Brooklyn, Alex and Abi, Andy bunked together in room 16 . Then Rye , Kate and Lily and Harvey bunked together in room 17. Mikey , Charlie and Jack , Amy bunked together in room 18 and then Elvis and Blair in room 19.

It came to bed time. In room 17 some things happened ,Kate was in one bed and Lily was in the other bed but Rye , who was supposed to be with Kate got in with Lily but didn't realise. Harvey got into bed with Kate and also didn't realise. They started to kiss and then it evolved into something else. Rye then needed the loo at about midnight. He got up and put the light on. He then shouted at Harvey for sleeping with Kate. They started to shout at each other and then started to fight.

In the next room Brook could hear then fighting and said" We should go and look out is going on" So all of them went into 17 and then Jack's room came in. Rye was about to punch Harvey but Brooklyn got in front. So Rye punched Brooklyn instead. Alex then went to see confront and see if he was ok. Luckily Brooklyn was okay. Andy then tried to pull them apart and told them to stop fighting while the girls were settling Kate and Lily down while watching the boys.When they did calm down Kate took Rye outside the room to chat.  Kate said " What was that for. That was supposed to be our special night."

"Sorry I thought we were in the end bed. But nothing happened i promise!" said Rye lying to Kates face.

"Good because when I was in bed nothing as well!" Also lying to Rye's face

They went back into the room and Harvey and Rye said sorry to each other. So everyone decided that Kate and Rye should change bedrooms with Jack and Amy.
When everyone was in the right rooms they all fell asleep.
In the morning Blair went to wake the others up at 7:40 am to get ready for the first show. He woke them all up and Kate asked "Dis you guys hear what happens last night?"
"No we didn't , we fell straight
asleep." Elvis said to Kate....

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