What happend before the show

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When the girls walked out of their dressing room the boys followed straight on after them. Blair then came rushing down the hall way ( they didn't even get time to say hi to each other) and was shouting:
Blair : EVLIS has just fallen down the stairs to get to the stage.
**He said whilst crying**
Charlie: Ok , Ok calm down
Jack: This is a very hard question but ..... Is he alive??
** The others started to burst out into laughter**
Blair: Yes jack for what I can see he is alive
Lily: Where is he
**Blair took them to we're Elvis was and he was crying holding his leg. At this point there was only 30 mins in till the show was goi g to start. **
Alex: What are we going to do ??
Brook: We are going to have to take him the hospital.
Rye: Tell the security that we aren't going to perform now but we will tomorrow even though it's our day off we can't leave Elvis like this and still perform.
Blair :ok. Good idea I will go and tell them and then you guys go to the car and help Elvis
They took Elvis to the nearest hospital ,as they were in LA they had to pay to get him look at but it was worth the money.
His name was called in the hospital and just Blair went in to the room. They others were waiting outside , which in my opinion is the worst idea anyone could have. They sat in silence for 10 mins and then the girls went to the bathroom. They still had their presents for the boys.
Kate: What are we going to do?
Charlie: How about we sing them a song and then one by one we hand them over the presents.
Abi : That is the best idea ever
Alex: Hang on a minute what song our we going to sing?
Lily: I think that Charlie and Kate should choose what we are going to sing to them.
**Charlie and Kate go and talk for about 5-10 minutes **
Charlie: I
Kate: Ummm
Charlie: Kate and me have decided that we should sing. Secret love song by Little mix
Abi: OMG I love that song soooo much
Kate: We need to go and practice it then
Charlie: I have a plan don't you girls worry
That went back out to the waiting room
Rye: You girls took a while
Girls : Yep
Charlie : Me and the girls are going to get something to eat from the shop across the road??
Saying to the boys rather confused.
The girls went outside and practiced singing the song. After about 30 minutes the boys were very confused so they went outside to find the girls.
Andy: Hey what are you doing
Abi: We have something to something to show you .......
But just as Abu said it Elvis came out in a cast and a wheelchair.
Blair: Boys and girls. Elvis is out
Rye : OMG are you ok
Elvis: Yes I am fine  you guys didn't have to cancel the show for me you will let the fans down
Kate: They will live. They will see us tomorrow

They got back to the hotel
Abi : Now we have something to show you .....

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