The Prep Before the Show

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They went down stairs to were the breakfast was and they all had a full English breakfast each.
When they had finished it was 8:30 am so the girls went up to get ready because honestly it takes forever (only girls can relate). The boys ,Blair and Elvis went to shopping centre to get new clothes because boys being boys they forgot to pack spare clothes for the show. Andy got a text from Abi.

Abi : Hi how is the shopping centre? Xx
Andy: Good but it's very busy and there are loads of fans following us xx
Abi : Tell the boy the girls and I want us to be colour coordinated for the show tonight xx
** She sent photo of them in what they are going to wear they were wearing black ,white and pink**
Andy: The boys said ok thanks. But do we have to wear pink ??!! Xx
Abi : No you can wear pink or baby blue
Andy: Ok I will tell the boys
** 5 mins later **
Andy: The boys and I said we will chose baby blue. Bye love you 
Abi: Love you too. See you later

Jack found this nice baby blue top that he was going to wear with his black ripped jeans. Brook found a baby blue jumper with a pale white print on it, which he was going to wear with his black jeans. Rye was going wear one of the bands light blue jumper merch which he was also going to wear with his black ripped jeans. Andy was going to get the same top as Jack but he didn't he got a baby blue plain top. Mikey went for a slightly darker colour top then baby blue top. Harvey got a baby blue jumper but it wasn't the same as Brook's because it didn't have a pale white print on it.
About an hour later and they had finished shopping the boys had all got a present for everyone of the girls. The girls didn't know so it would be a surprise for them.

The boys got to the hotel just as the girls where going to get their things on the bus. The boys were panicking because they needed to pack everything and the girls presents. The girls had packed nearly a whole suitcase to them self because of all of their makeup and hair things. When the boys had got on the bus they only bought a little bag. The girls busted out into laughter thinking it was a joke that the boys had only bought a small bag but it wasn't.
The girls were getting anxious because it was one of their first shows.
When they got to venue all of there fans were outside waiting for them to arrive. They went inside and Blair was trying to stop all of the fans following both groups to their dressing rooms.
They got to both dressing rooms the boys actually went into the girls room to watch them do their makeup. They got changed and had about 1 hour in till they had to sound check and then after that they had 2 hours in till the actual show. The girls were getting more anxious by the hour.

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