The Final Letter

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Dear bully,

This is my goodbye to you. Even though you made my life a living hell I forgive you. I forgive you for all the harsh words and painful punches you've thrown at me. I know you will have probably forgotten that I even existed by next week heh.. the pills I swallowed are getting to me now, I can feel it. My getting dizzy and it's hard to write. All you need to know is that you were my worst enemy but my best friend.. and I love you for that. Goodbye and have a good life..

-The (H/C) girl laid on the tiled bathroom floor; the letter in her hand. She smiled weakly at the ceiling as she felt herself slipping away. She could finally be free of the pain and misery that this world had caused her. She could finally throw away the bad hand life had delt her and she was happy. She smiled a real smile as the life drained out of her eyes.
A few days later the bully came to her place to apologize once again, but found that the door was unlocked. He went in and called her name out, but no one answered. He looked around for a bit, the foul smell of decay in the air. He walked to the bathroom and screamed, finding the girls corpse rotting in the bathroom. He started crying and called the police. He knew this was somehow his fault and he could feel the guilt seeping in. The cops showed up and asked him questions. He was a mess that day, and he just wanted to hear her voice again.. to hear her say "Hi!" Or "We should be friends!" Like she did back when they were still friends. A cop had tapped him on the shoulder and handed him a letter they found in the girls hand. He opened it and read through it, balling his eyes out. After all he did to her, she still forgave him.. but he knew he could never forgive himself for what he has done.
He spends the next few months wallowing in misery until he's had enough. He wants to be with her again, he wants to see her and hear her voice. He can't take it any longer. He pulls out his handgun that he keeps by his bedside and sticks it to his head and whispers to himself. "I'll see you soon.." BAM.

The bully opened his eyes to see light. Just bright white light. He sat up and looked around only to see someone approaching. It was (Y/N) and she looked happy. She walked up to him held a hand out. "You really shouldn't have done that.. but I'm glad you are here." She said as she helped him up. He smiled at her, some tears in his eyes as he hugged her. He missed her and didn't realize how miserable he was without her. She hugged him back and smiled. "Lets start over ok?" He nods and wipes away his tears, grabbing her hand and walking with her into the light.

A/N- I hope you enjoyed the book, sorry about the ending if it was weird and all. I had like major writers block and couldn't think of anything.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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