ScHooL oR hEll

37 1 0

Age 12


"come out come out wherever you are!"

"where did that crap kid run off too"

help. I thought trying to figure out if I wouldn't die in the woods behind my school.

"ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" I shouted with a stick in my hand. I knew I wouldn't win. it was 1 agains 4. plus my scream kinda made it obvious that I was trying to hit them. Just like I expected justin the oldest boy (18) grabbed the stick and flong it away. "let me go please jus- justin please" I asked while he was holding me up against a tree. I felt so week (like always) I just wanted to know how winning felt. I screamed "AZUMI HELP!!!!" but like always no one came.  my vision got blurry but I saw a boy running with a stick and hitting justin. I fell to the floor. that was the last I saw. When my vision cleared I saw azumi. "glad you're alive. my mom would've been pissed if you would have been dead. you know cuz today is the 7.7. bad number bad number. Japanese no likey 7. ;-)." ( he winked at me so it was appropriate) (note the sarcasm) " yeah and im sooooo happy you saved me." ( note the sarcasm)

"no need to be sasy little gerk" "yeah ,well I didn't ask you to come azumi" " well actually. .." "besides don't you have class? " "ag who cares" "ok but stay here with me just a bit longer" "sure my little baby"

end upOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora