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This is so important. Dont try to kill yourself. I know I sound like all adults. But its true. I tried and failed.  But in thouse seconds I was thinking "what the hell am I doing" I felt the panic spreding though my body. I was paralyzed. I thought "ohh when I decide I dont want to die I can get down any second. No You can move I couldent move anything in my body np muscle.  I felt so helpless. there is nothing to do. The first time I tried was suffocating myself with a plastic bag.  I didn't feel bad with that one but when I tried hanging myself I was wondering how others felt doing this. I got drownd once to and that wasn't plesent either.  so never do it. but if you really want to die I know you wont listen to me but keep this in mind

"life is short, some people die young and don't want to , and your here killing yourself. The world is a big and undiscovered place. discover these places. if all this doesn't help nothing will." - claudia dragit

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