MOmmY DaDdy Hit mE

93 4 5

Age 4

That month I was at my dads. My dad was drunk one night. He came into my room telling me I can jump out of the window.

Than he came over and hit me and I tumbled to the floor. He kickt me till I started to bleed. I feelt so sick. Once I got on my feed again he hit me again. I dident get up anymore. I dident even breath. I was somewhere between dead and alive.

My dad called the hospital. I was dead for 5 min. I wock up 3 weeks after that. I was in a coma for 3 weeks. I wock up to my mom. My mom promist me I will never need to see him again. But I did.

The second time I was weeker. I was hit and I flew against a dresser. I stood up my dad hit me again and I fell onto the stairs. I stood up once more. He hit me so hard I fell down the stairs doing cartweels and hit with the back of my head the table. I blackt out. All I knew was that my head hurt and that my heart felt like it wanted to die.

I wock in a hospital again. Wagley seeing my mom. My brother lookt quite happy. I was looking around the room hoping not to find my dad.

My mom was happy she looked a little sad. Bianca. mom said with a nice voice. Your dad is in prison for hurting you. I wasent sure what that ment but I sayd okay. But He dident stay in prison one month later he got free.

Saying it wasent his fault I was clomsy. So again after one month I was at his house.

I was hiding in they attic hoping he wouldent find me. He did he had a baseball bat in his hands and a black outfit on. He came up to me and sayd; Bianca do you want to play a game. Me being 4 I sayd yes. He lookt meanly-happy. Bianca lets play it up here. I dident know where this was going but I sayd yes. He came charging at me and hit me with the bat. He was kicking and throing me. I wanted to scream for help but I cudent first because the pain was so strong and second he would have killd me. All i could do was jelp. But nobody could hear me. After about an hour he stopt hitting me and left.

I couldent move. Nobody was there. I stayd put blood going everywhere. I heard Robin walking in. Thats where i started to scream. I heard hin saying BIANCA!!! He was 4 or 5 at this point but he was smart. He took the phone and gave it to me I had no voice what-so-ever.

The woman on they end of the line was maybe 20-25 not like the other people. In 10 min time they where there. It was a bloody mess I would like to show you the pictures but I cant. I was so cold the man sayd. No wonder I was in the cold attic with a tank top in winter.

My mom was so mad she was still using nice words like i dont like you and stuff like that.

Any questions I will answer them.

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