Chapter 1

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(Hannah's point of view)

I woke up with my alarm clock practically screaming at me. ugh I really hate Mondays. where is my alRm clock anyway. I got out of bed to look for it when I felt a pain in my foot and the screeching stopped. on the bright side at-least it shut up. I picked the alarm clock up and set it beside my bed on the nightstand. wow! it's already 9:00 I'm already late for school. I wonder why my mom didn't wake me up? I guess she is working over time. I threw on my sweat pants and wore just a t-shirt I didn't bother to put a whole lot of make up on just a little bit of foundation I left my hair in a bun. I grabbed my skate board and I was off .

~ at school ~

The bell just rang telling all the kids to get to last period which In my case math. the worst class of all. not only because I don't have any friends in the class but also because I suck at math.

I finished my test early already knowing I was going to fail. I couldn't help but think about the dream I had last night it was kind of weird. i was walking home from a trip to the mall and I had the feeling someone was watching me. I started walking faster and faster checking over my shoulder every now and then. when I came around the corner all the noise stopped just dead silent. and everything was silent as if the world stopped. I sighed it was probably just my imagination. I picked up my bag and walked out of the corner I was standing In. right when I got out of the corner some one threw me to the ground and then they blew sand type stuff in my eyes
Making them shut immediately but before I blacked out I heard I voice say " no more warnings sweetie we have been waiting a while now."

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the last bell letting everyone out of school.i still don't understand my dream. what did the voice mean by " no more warnings we have been waiting a while now?" ugh you know what I don't even care anymore I have a killer head ache and I'm ready to get home.

I stopped by my locker to get my skate board and left the building. I couldn't help feeling like someone was watching me as I was skating home. I finally got the nerve up to look over my shoulder and what did I see? 9 boys that were dressed in all black and walking faster then normal great just my luck. I skated faster and made it around the corner before running leaving my skate board behind.

I'm still 7 blocks away from home. I jumped a fence that was beside the sidewalk which leaded to a dead end alley. great! I turned around ready to run only to become face to face with 9 boys. The black haired one with a quif ( zayn ) blew something that felt like sand into my eyes making them Heavy and of corse before blacking out I hear one of them speak.

" Hannah, Hannah, Hannah you obviously didn't get our message threw your dream last night. your ours now."

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