"Well, after the first hit, Elizabeth attempted to strike me once more but I caught her by the wrist and pushed her into Abraham, as they both recovered I was able to run away. I suppose we weren't from from town now because it did not take me long to run there, less than five minutes."

"Is there anyway that it was not Mr or Mrs Warlest?" The prosecution asked.

"No, it was them. I was with them the entire time and I saw their faces as the attack was happening."

"Did they state any reason for this heinous attack?"

"No, but I do believe it to be out of jealousy."

"I think that is all the proof we require at the moment. I as a loyal man to the royal family trusts the words of our Crown Princess. The prosecution rests." I looked around me and see almost every head nodding along in agreement. My fingers go cold.

"The defense do you have any questions for the witness?" The judge says gruffly.

"Where's our lawyer?" I whisper to Abe as the eyes of the court watch us.

"We are not given one. Stay quiet I will speak for us," He groaned as he stood up," Yes my honour. May I approach the stand to question the witness?" Did he actually have any questions that he could ask her to make our case. We didn't get any preparation.

"Given the circumstances you are not permitted within the vicinity of her," the judge nearly barked.

Abe's eyes widen at the unexpected response from the judge, his cool demeanor cracking for a moment,"O-of course your honour." He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his unkempt oily hair, it had grown out to past his ears now. I loved when he cut his hair for me but now I wonder if he should have kept it the length that is normal now, it just makes him look like more of an estranged outcast. He rubs his left eye as he looks down at the table. He only does that when he can't think of the answer to a problem. He doesn't know what to ask.

"Marg- Princess Margaret is it true that you were raised in France?" Abe asks slowly and uncertainly.

"Yes it is, but do not pity me too much since I was able to escape to here,that's all I can ask for," she said softly. The courtroom murmurs.

"How were you able to make it safely here when the only boats to England from France were military in nature and docking was prohibited?"

"My father was able to secure me a place onboard a ship destined for Spain. Once there I procured a spot on a shipment vessel to southern Ireland and from there a small fishing vessel to Blackpool. From there Duke and Duchess Hemerton hired a coach to bring me here. It was a tiring and dangerous journey but it was worth the trials in the end."

"Ships leaving France are highly secure and checked, how was it that you were able to escape the detection of the French officials?"

"Either by bribing the ones who questioned what I was doing or making a believable excuse. Judge I do not think that this information is pertinent to the trial."

Abe went on anyway," So you have had experience with lying and are rather skilled in it, no?"

"No! I did what I needed to!"

"I just wonder how a Spanish ship was authorized to sail into enemy territory when they are allied with the French, surely all ships such as that had to go through rigorous inspections from the government, I find it highly unlikely they did not know you were on that ship." It was not a question, it was a challenge on her character.

"What are you implying Abraham? After all what you have done to me, what are you implying?" Her voice shook, either from terror or anger I could not tell. Whether it was sincere or fake was even harder to tell.

"Are you accusing the Prince's new bride of being a French spy as a last attempt to make what you and your wife have done to seem justifiable?" The judge spat, "I would have thought a Warlest would attempt to keep his dignity even in the last, but it seems that you are cut from a different cloth than your family, you are an animal incapable of honour. You have shamed your family name, your town and your country. I have seen all I need to. My verdict is guilty and both are sentenced to death by hanging at the gallows." He pounded the gavel once on the table.

"Sir, no there is more yet to our story if you wou-"

"Enough! Take the guilty away. I want the gallows ready as soon as possible!"

A man grabbed my arm in a tight vise pulling me through the crowd after Abe. I covered my face as people started jeering and spitting at us. As we were lead towards the jailhouse again I couldn't help but think how has it come this far? How has this become my life? Two years ago a morning like this I would have been pouring myself and my sister cereal before heading to school. And now I stand before a town who wishes me and my family death. How had I let this happen? I rested a hand on my stomach. How had they let this happen?

They separated us, pulling me down one long corridor while he was forced another way. Killing us was not enough punishment that we had to spend our last night without each other. I called out telling him I loved him but that resulted in me being thrown against a wall by the prison guard. "Shut it!" he hissed in my ear as he pulled me back by my undone hair. It was worth it though when I could hear the echo of Abe's "I love you!" down the corridors. They threw me into a cell without windows and with a thick metal door that barely allowed any light through. Maybe this is what death will be like; empty and dark. But even as they tried to isolate me I was not alone, I could still feel our baby with me. He didn't deserve this. Out of all of us no matter how innocent we were, he was the most innocent. He wouldn't even get a chance to do anything that could challenge that. At least I lived, it may be short but I did. I crouched over myself, pulling my sides in, an attempt to comfort myself as I cried.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

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