Going on tour

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NJ: "y/n! Wake up we're gonna be late for the tour bus!"

It was 9:00 am in the morning. My alarm went off as namjoon aka my stupid brother was shouting all the way from downstairs.

NJ: " ok then u know what I'm leaving I here"
Y/N: "wait no ok I'm up!"

I got up and went to the bathroom as I brushed my teeth namjoon came in the bathroom
I splashed him with water as he got out and wore his shoes.

Your outfit:

You went downstairs and ate an apple and the the bus was out

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You went downstairs and ate an apple and the the bus was out.
NJ: " y/n come on the bus is waiting"
Y/N: "coming!"
I ran to him and went out as we found all the boys coming towards me and him and hugged us.
NJ: "hey hey hey! Get your stupid asses off my sister!"
Everyone quickly ran inside in fear.
I rolled my eyes.
Y/N: "it's ok namjoon"
NJ: "it's not ok..and it's disgusting seeing with them..and you're not even cute WTH!"
Y/N: "ummm..excuse me!? Ok we look like each other sooo yea that means you're ugly too"
I said with a fake smile on me.
NJ: "Hey! Yes I do look like you but I'm way cute to look like u and idk why am I even you're brother"
He said in a kidding manner.
Y/N: "well that sucks for u cuz you are going to be stuck with the girl who looks like u till u die"
We both laughed and went in the bus.
I saw my best friend aka sohee aka yoongi's  sister. She ran to me and hugged me tightly
Y/N: "s-so-sohee! I cant b-breath!"
S: " Oof sorry!"
She pulled back and hugged me back while laughing.
S: "I missed u!!!"
Hey guys! I'm sorry this is too short I'm struggling with school and private stuff at home so I'm sorry but I'm gonna complete it and yea I hope u like it ! Love y'all ❤️❤️

My overprotective brother (yoongixnamjoon)Where stories live. Discover now