Chapter 4

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Alvin was getting ready for bed when there was a sudden knock on the front door.

Dave: "I'll get it. Go to sleep, guys."

Alvin, Theodore, and Simon: " Okay, Dave!"

But to Alvin's curiosity, he stayed back and watched as Dave opened the door to meet their unknown guest.

The door opened and revealed an entertainment manager, looking for some local celebrities to star in his new show.

Entertainment manager: "Hello, Mr. Seville. I'm starting a new show starring new talent. And I thought that it would be a great idea for the well-known singing group, The Chipmunks, to perform on stage as a celebrity guest. You can also bring the Chipettes to perform with them too."

Dave: "Wow! That is an amazing opportunity. I'll tell the boys tomorrow. They are gonna be so excited. When is your next show?"

Entertainment manager: " It is Saturday, next week. Here is my business card. Contact me for more information."

Dave: "I will and thank you again for this great opportunity."

Entertainment manager: "No problem. Seeya!"

Dave: "Bye!"

Alvin was so excited by the news that he couldn't wait to tell his brothers. He ran up to wake them but they were too sleepy so they ignored him. While Alvin was disappointed by his efforts, he saw a figure sitting outside on the field. Again due to his curiosity, he went to check it out. To his surprise, he never realized that that figure was Brittany, the one who always complain about the importance of her beauty sleep. Thinking back to earlier today, he was too flustered to face her. Unfortunately, lady luck was not on his side today as while he was trying and he accidentally stepped on a twig which made a loud sound.

Brittany: "What was that? Hello? Is anyone there?

She slowly walked towards the source of the sound. She saw Alvin and was shocked due to his sudden arrival.

Brittany: "Alvin! What are you doing here?!"

Alvin: "Don't try to change the topic. More importantly, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to go to bed since you care so much about your beauty sleep?!"

Brittany: "Uh... yeah. There is this new beauty trend that having a night walk will rejuvenate your complexion. Anyways, I was just heading back home so bye!"

With that, she ran up the stairs as quickly as she could so that she could escape Alvin. She was scared and somehow a little flustered to see him alone worrying about her. She shook her head away from those thoughts and just went back to bed. Alvin staring at her running and was totally confused, just climbed back onto his window and went to sleep.

What if Britanny never heard Alvin? (Bodysnatcher epsiode)Where stories live. Discover now