Chapter Two

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Everyone gathered around the living room with worried expressions, Leslie and Lorainne didn't understand what was going on, they just continued doing what they were doing. As long as they are safe. Dad wasn't home yet, me and mom were worried and tried calling him but he did not pick up. Mom's friends were worried about their husbands, luckily their children are all here. I was worried about my friends, I called them. Cass first.

"Cass are you alright? Do you see what's happening outside?" I asked in a worried tone.

"My family and I are all fine, everything's locked and covered and Sasha's here too, her family came over for a visit. What about you?" She said back in a whisper-scream.

"I'm all good too, and I am glad you and Sash are safe, keep in touch, I will call you guys if anything happens and y'all better pick up! And call me if you guys find out about anything." I said in a serious tone.

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you too."

After she hanged up I quickly called Zach to see if he's alright. Zach lives alone in an apartment somewhere in the city. I was worried sick, if I lose him, I think I might go crazy. He never picked up, I left about 10 missed calls and tons of messages. "Where is this bitch?!" I mumble-scream to myself. Andre was trying to comfort me, at least he didn't have anyone to worry about. He knows I care about Zach, a LOT. He told me, "Zach's gonna be fine, trust me, he's strong guy." Andre is close friends with Zach, they met a few times and bonded easily, pretty sure it's a guy thing. Zach is 2 years older than Andre but they both act like 5 year olds when they are together. But it's whatever, I love them both endlessly. I looked into Andre's calm hazel eyes and I nodded. But I was worried as hell and I couldn't stop wondering where Zach was. I was pulled out of my thoughts by loud continuous banging on the door.

Everyone looked at the front door, some were trying so hard not to panic. Some were even saying not to open the door. Who would want to open the door. So we just let the banging continue, thank god the door is made of reinforced steel. But then, suddenly scrambled words were being screamed at the other side of the door. Everyone shared glances with each other. Suddenly we heard, "OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR! LET ME IN!" the voice sounded so familiar, Andre looked out the window to see who it was and shouted "IT'S ZACH! OPEN IT! LET HIM IN!" I quickly opened the door and pulled Zach in and slammed the door shut again to lock it. I turned around to look at Zach and smacked him at the back of his head while saying

"You asshole! Why didn't you pick up any of my calls! I was worried sick." and I smacked him again.

"Hey! What was that for? I didn't pick up because I was running for my life! Not to mention I almost got eaten cause none of you wanted to open the damn door." I smacked him again and earned a glare from him.

"You asshole I thought something happened to you." Tears were threatening to fall down, I quickly hugged Zach and told him "I'm glad you're safe."

He hugged me back and said to me in a gentle voice "I'm glad you're safe too." And let go of me.

Andre went up to Zach and said "Hey man glad you're fine, Luce was about to break her phone trying to call you." He chuckled while giving Zach a bro-hug. Zach turned to me and replied Andre, "Well, she just loves me that much." and even gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes and went to check on my siblings. They were both safe and just stayed in my room. Luckily my windows are always closed and covered. Cole was just on my bed, laying down beside a sleeping Lorainne. I went back out to the living room and told my mom the condition of the kids. She sigh of relief knowing they're safe. Everyone made small conversations with each other, about the situation, trying to figure out what was happening. But really, we are all just waiting for someone to come and save us.

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