Watching you

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You walked into your home and closed the door, locking it and hearing the click to tell you the door really was locked. You sighed in relief as you flopped onto your comfy couch.

You listened to the trees flow in the wind, dozing off and falling asleep not long after.


You didn't know how long it had been when you jerked awake up. Enough time for the sun to set. It was dark.

Groaning, you rubbed your head and rolled onto your side. You suddenly felt it. Felt the uneasy feeling of being watched. It tingled your skin.

Nothing creeped you out more. No one ever came around these parts of your neighborhood, it was nothing fancy. Nothing worth robbing. But, you had ways of protecting yourself..just in case.

You looked out of the corner of your eye slowly, almost scared of moving. You begin sitting up slowly and looking around the dark room. You decide to throw your legs over the side of the couch, slowly standing up to avoid becoming uncoordinated.

Suddenly, your legs straighten as you hear glass breaking.

You inhaled quietly and quickly ducked your head down and got on your knees to fuble your hand under the couch.. Relying heavily on instinct, you grabbed a gun you kept under your couch and dashed to your closet across the room.

You closed the door quietly, backing to the far corner.

You heard a low grunt in your kitchen, signaling someone really did break into your house.

It was silent for a second, before a dark figure emerged from around the corner.. you watch in fear as two pairs of red eyes flicker in the darkness.


You had barely navigated yourself in the dark, now pools of red light dragged across the room, seemingly searching for something. Was it a monster?

Then, you heard it.

The same voice you'd heard that same day.

"Where are you, ladybug..?"

Venom dripped from his dark and low voice, shadows keeping you from seeing his expression. you stayed quiet, hoping and praying he wouldn't find you.

Then, he stopped, looking around one last time before unlocking the window and slipping out.

'Couldn't just use the door?'

you thought quietly in your mind as he closed your window. Walking away into the darkness.

You sighed

"That was close...too close."

You said quietly to yourself.

"I gotta tell (bsf/n).."

With that, you got out of the closet, went to your bathroom, locked the door, and called her.

"This'll be one story to tell..."

You quickly dialed your friends number in, turning the brightness down on your phone to see better. The first few rings she didn't answer, but the fifth one she did.

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