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(We're gonna go 3rd person omniscient here because why not y'all?)

As the months flew by Landry's due date grew closer, and excitement grew Mo and Ryan knew what the gender was but were keeping it a secret until today. Landry was 3 weeks shy of having her baby and the bright Wednesday morning was peaceful as she set up for the coming party along with Mo. Ella was now almost one and walking already which was more of a hassle than a help because she was more likely than not to be into something she shouldn't be. February in North Georgia was still cold and the possibility of snow was high but it was worth the risk Landry wanted to be where she grew when she had her baby. A boy would be Thomas Cade and a girl would be Olivia Grace. Everyone was ecstatic for the baby and couldn't wait. The new season had just started last weekend and Hailie Deegan has still been driving the faithful 26 and doing a dang good job, Landry was gonna try to take back over around June. Mo shivered as she hung up streamers from the roof of the boat house, she couldn't be more excited she could hardly wait for 12:00. One more hour before Her and Landry's friends would be there and Chase and Ryan's. Chase and Ryan were busing themselves setting up corn hole and making hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill.

"Mo can you hand me that tape?" Landry asked as she finished the background for the photo booth thing. Pinterest has been a blessing to the girls during the course of planning this and the baby shower that followed although it didn't make a lot of collective sense Landry wanted to do both and get them over with so this is how she got it done. Mo had given the guests hints as to what to get but wouldn't tell Landry which is essentially what she wanted. She wanted to be spontaneous because that's something she didn't do much of.

Mo handed Landry the tape and took in their collective work as well as the beautiful surroundings even though it was February and the weather could decide to be bipolar at any minute however it was a good 50 degrees and sunny. Landry and Chase couldn't have asked for prettier weather unless it were summer.

The decorations were finished by 11:45. Landry and Mo then ventured to the kitchen to get chips and all the other extra things needed to go with the hotdogs and hamburgers. They took their time setting up as the waited for their other friends to show up. Landry felt bad for waiting until the last minute to do a baby shower but life was busy and procrastination is a very real thing. The two women couldn't help but having a surreal feeling at the moment standing in the midst of a baby shower set up with a one year old running around and getting ready for Landry's baby patiently.

Chase wanted a boy first only because the baby could be overprotective of his future siblings not like a sister couldn't be but a older overprotective brother just seemed right to him. However the other half of him wanted a girl he just knew either way it was his and Landry's baby so it'd be perfect. Sure him and Ryan weren't totally excited about a baby shower and gender reveal because it seemed like a bit of over kill. Still though when the time came he'd stand next to Landry and they'd find out what their baby would be. Landry herself didn't care she knew she'd have more than one baby she never enjoyed being an only child so she'd be fine with a boy or a girl as long as it was healthy.

When the part finally started it went quickly and it was time to find out about baby Elliott before they knew. Landry cut the cake and it was blue. Landry smiled and so did Chase neither would've admitted it before now but they both had a feel the baby was a boy. Just sneaking suspicion especially when Mo got upset because she couldn't give Landry hand-me-downs which Landry pretended not to notice that Mo had said. Everyone was beaming because they knew soon that Thomas Cade Elliott would be born.


I know it's short and awkward but I'm happy with the way I wrapped this up and I can write and epilogue however it'd probably be shorter than this and this way y'all can just come up with extra stuff yourself which I myself love doing. But it's like 2 something New Years morning and I need sleep.

Okay happy new year it's the next morning and I apologize for taking so long to write this book. My family had a hard year in 2018 and I've been mature for a long time but I had to grow up even more this year. My dad has had four surgeries since July and hasn't been working so we've been struggling but I trust the process and we're making it. Honestly guys I'm sorry it took me so long to write this I procrastinated way too much and worried about how people felt instead of having fun and writing something I loved. That said I love this book but it's taken awhile to make myself love it because I had trouble believing in myself but I feel better about it now and I'm happy with my journey. Thank you so much for reading this because you don't have to you made this choice and I'm thankful you making it this far. I'm gonna miss writing about Landry and Chase specifically, but remember I do have Til Tomorrow which is the spinoff based on Ryan and Mo. I'll admit I've definitely not paid it enough attention but I'm gonna unpublish it for awhile and then when I feel like it's good again I'll put it back up.

Abby T. ❤️

Georgia |Chase ElliottOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora