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Landry's POV
*at the press conference*

        I walked into the tent with my left hand in the pocket of my sweater and waved with my right hand. Quite honestly this should be fun. I'm going to try not to be rude when they ask dumb questions that's always a struggle I have. Chase decided he'd stand outside until they asked a question about the ring then he'd come in grab a chair and we'd share the stage so until I answer my questions about racing I'm gonna try to keep my left hand by my side.

         "Hey guys!" I say sitting in the chair all smiles. 

         "Landry this is Jim I'd like to know who's driving your car while your out?" The guy asked.

         "Well Jim my good friend Bubba Wallace is going to be driving my car. I did consider Halie Deegan though but, she's not old enough so maybe in the future if I ever need anyone." I explained because I knew someone would ask sooner or later if I considered anyone else.

         "Landry how long are you expecting to be out?"

          "I'm hoping only three weeks or four but, no more than five so that's good."

           This continues for about 15 minutes people asking pretty much the same questions before I finally picked up my water bottle with my left hand. I heard a few gasps nothing I wasn't expecting.

         "Landry what's the ring for?"

          "Well before I answer that question I'd like to invite my good friend Chase Elliott to join me on stage." I say and he enters the tent waves and pulls up a chair.

           "Well on Monday we went to Landry's home town in Georgia to celebrate her birthday and I asked her to marry me." Chase explained and grabbed my hand.

            "So why so soon you've only been dating for 7 months now?" Someone asked.

             "We've known each other our whole lives. There's honestly no one else either of us could find that would understand us the we understand each other and, we don't feel like it's soon or that it's rushed when you think about it. We've liked each other since we were teenagers but we were both to nervous to tell the other one. Ryan Blaney actually ended up getting us together he texted me and basically told me if I didn't do something neither of us would so here we are." I explained. My PR Andie stepped in and said it was time for us to go.

            "Hey thanks Andie I thought that'd never end they asked the same questions six different ways and I had to make them stop." I say to her.

            "Listen Landry I've known you for what 6 years now I understand how you get. Before you grabbed that water bottle you were getting the 'I'm going to use the most sarcasm I possibly can' face. I was getting scared I almost thought your best friend Kyle was in the back." Andie laughs. She's 30 and I met her while she was someone else's PR but the end of that year she knew I was starting in trucks so she's been my PR.

"Ugh you mean jerk wad? I would've been over the table if he was in there. There might've been hands thrown and I'm injured and he's way bigger than me." I laughed and Andie smiled.

"Alright we better get going see you Andie!" Chase says grabbing my hand and we waved before heading towards his truck.

"So where are we off to?" I ask putting in my Florida Georgia Line CD. 'Smooth' starts playing in the background.

"Not saying." He says as we drove through the tunnel signaling to the guard.

"Awe please tell me I'm scared we're not eating anything crazy right?" I huffed.

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