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I know I suck guys, life is crazy and I'm working on it I promise but softball is mostly over for now I still have Wednesday practice but other than that I'll have a bunch more free time. I was gonna finish this chapter after Chase won but I let it slip my mind and just never got around to it but sometimes I'm flat out lazy. Alrighty well it's (10-15-18) and Chase has won twice since I updated this and Hailie Deegan also won so it high time I wrote something so here we go. Also it's been so long since I wrote in a guys pov I've forgotten what I'm doing. (the actual chapter is short I apologize before hand but if you care about my constant struggle with guys there's info on that after the chapter)

Chase's POV

Sonoma was quiet without Landry, but she insisted that I go she'd be fine. She'll come next week to Chicago but she just wanted to be home I didn't blame her. I've mostly been goofing off with Ryan both of us full well knowing we have serious relationships and small humans in North Carolina right now so we took this as an off week and have been playing video games and eating junk.

"So Landry wants to go out to eat on like double date thing on Wednesday do you think one of your sisters will keep Ella?" I asked full well knowing why Landry wanted to go on a double date.

"Emma has been wanting to keep her and Erin would probably want to too so I'll call both of them and they can watch her at my house I guess, that is if you can get Mo away from her long enough." Ryan laughed, both of them were attached to Ella. Who could blame them?

"If I was y'all I wouldn't want to leave her either she's precious. How's being a dad so far?"

"It's great I feel like I need to be more mature which isn't hard I can be when I want to I just kinda feel like I need to marry Mo and I don't know if either of us are ready for that especially after she ran off for months but we're working on it." Ryan explained his situation smiling towards the end.

"That's good Ryan I'm happy for you guys and if y'all aren't ready for marriage don't rush it." It felt funny giving Ryan relationship advice he's older than me but it seems like if I can help I should.

"Thanks man and I've got a lot of thinking on it to do me and Mo probably need to have a conversation about it." Ryan is a great guy and he deserves to be happy with Mo.


Landry's POV (Sunday afternoon)

Mo and I decided we'd make snack foods and watch the race after church I've been staying at her and Ryan's to help her with Ella and so I'm not alone. About halfway through the race Ella decided that she wasn't happy and started crying and no explained that this meant she wanted to go on a car ride, sure wonder where she got that. I told Mo to stay I'd drive around for awhile and I took Mo's car and I drove around until Ella fell asleep then headed back to their house. Chase finished fifth and Hailie finished sixteenth which I was proud of since she didn't get to drive cup often.

Once I dropped Ella back off I went home to hang out until Chase got back. I did some cleaning and caught up on Netflix, I'd been watching Grey's Anatomy a lot lately. Around 1:00 am Chase comes in trying to be quiet no doubt assuming I'm asleep but I'm not.

"I'm proud of you Chase you ran good but you better get in this bed so I can go to sleep." I mumbled.

"Darlin' there's nothing I'd rather do than get in that bed." Chase laughed and slid under the covers on his side of the bed before wrapping his arms around me, he's my home.


Y'all sophomore year is kicking my butt. Biology and American Lit. are especially pleasant... I like Spanish and I have two art classes so that's great.

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