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Landry's POV
|Charlotte, NC 5:34pm|

        We had to go to Hendrick when we got back from Florida for a meeting now we're finally home to celebrate our two years of being together. Using every bit of restraint I had in the truck meant that as soon as we both were both out of that truck we were all over each other. I suddenly couldn't feel the ground under me feet only to realize Chase had thrown me over his shoulder I laughed and let him carry me upstairs. As soon as both of us had gotten rid of our shirts my phone started ringing. I groaned and grabbed the phone I was about to tell off whoever decided to call me. Then I answered it and then saw Ryan's name so I put my anger to the side.

"Her Ryan what's up?" I answered.

         "Have you heard from Mo today she's not here and she left me this really weird letter and I got sent straight to voicemail." Ryan stuttered and stumbled over his words.

"No I haven't talked to her since last night she seemed fine then. What'd the letter say?" I asked.

"It said goodbye Ryan Michael Blaney then that she wouldn't tell me why she's gone and I should get over her and at the bottom she signed her name that's literally it." He croaked.

"Oh okay well me and Chase are going to be there soon I'm going to call her and see what happens. No matter what I'm sure everything is going to be okay Ryan." I say quietly before hanging up and looking sadly at Chase.

           "Damage control from the Mo bomb I'm guessing." Chase say and sighs before getting up and grabbing his tee shirt and mine he tossed mine to me and I can only wonder what would've driven her to disappear. I pulled my shirt on and slipped my shoes back on before dialing her number. It rang and rang and yet no avail. So I left a voicemail. By now we're in the truck half way to Ryan's.

       'Hey Mo it's Landry. I'm not to sure what's going on but you know better than just up and disappearing like this. Mo Ryan is heart broken and you need to be here he loves you and you've become an important part in everyone's life not just mine. I can't have my best friend since I popped out the womb doing disappearing acts just because it's not cool Mo. Molly Leanna Anderson if you don't call me back and explain yourself you don't know how mad I'll be. Don't waste 20 years of friendship and almost 2 years with one of the best guys I know trust me whatever it is we'll get through it.' My tone throughout that probably scared Chase he's never had to witness my anger because it takes a lot to get me mad outside of the track then I get mad fast. I put my phone down in the cup holder and ran my hands through my hair. I shut my eyes and just listened to the soft Florida Georgia Line song playing in the background. I can't cry I need to be strong and act like everything is fine. I felt Chase's hand on my thigh and I calmed down some.

          "I'm so sorry that we never get any alone time. Gah now I'm so stressed out that my only girl friend went crazy and she's probably in dadgum Texas or some crap. Lord I need about 3 months to just sit and rel..." I rambled before Chase cut me off.

         "Hey darlin' just breathe none of this is anything you could've avoided it's not like it's your fault anyway and when we get alone time we'll get alone time it's no big deal as long as I'm with you I'm happy." He explained and I couldn't help but want to jump over the console and kiss him. Now I see Ryan driveway and instantly dried my eyes and put on my strong face. In all honesty I don't know if she'll ever come back I can hope but I can't be sure. As soon as the keys left the ignition my feet were on the ground the door was still unlocked so I walked in. "Ryan! We're here!" I yelled.

Ryan's POV

"Ryan," Landry says quietly and sits beside me and Chase sits down on the other side "She must've turned her phone off or it might've died I'm sure she's fine she's probably just going to see her family or something she's weird sometimes. She likes to leave with vague explanations. I'm sure she's coming back. It's probably a joke she has a terrible sense of humor." Landry explains quietly and rubs her hand down my arm. I'm finding it hard to believe her she would've called me or something if she planned on coming back.

         I sighed before replying "Yeah your probably right she'll probably be back before Sunday." Lies and I'm sure they both knew.

Chase's POV

I can't help but hurt for Ryan Landry's voicemail to Mo help put the situation into a way I could understand any of it. Obviously Mo has commitment issues Landry's told me about that, but I think that this time she really messed up. I hate to see Ryan like this and Landry is just sitting there acting like her best friend isn't just god knows where. She's not been getting along with Mo as much lately though I don't think anyone has she was really moody and if I'm almost 98% sure she was pregnant but that's literally none of my business. I guess she wasn't though because what pregnant woman would just up and leave everything she knows. I'm sure my wife is going to go all detective and figure out exactly what's going on so I'm not worried about it. Landry threw a pizza in the oven we ate dinner and then we left. The ride home was silent I could tell Landry was upset at Mo but she was also sad and I couldn't wait to get home and calm her down.

        "Landry darlin' we'll figure this out its all going to be okay." I explained quietly and rubbed my thumb against her knuckles.


I figured once we got home we'd change and go to bed maybe watch some tv, but Landry obviously hadn't forgotten about our ditched plans.


Y'all as you know Irma came up through Florida and into Georgia... I've been out of school yesterday and today we've been having heavy wind and a lot of trees are down, I don't have power and probably won't until later today. Luckily we have a generator but we don't have much gas for it but we're okay. You should've heard the noise the transformer made when the tree hit the power lines. I was cleaning my room standing in my closet when the lights started flickering and I literally freaked out. I'll probably have school tomorrow unless Georgia Power still doesn't get everyone's power back on. The winds aren't supposed to die down until late afternoon and they said that it wasn't safe for them to work with the winds so heavy. Enough of that but I had one of those weeks last week and wasn't paying half attention to anything had to go to my sisters games Friday and Saturday. I got out of church Sunday went and ate while I was eating decided to see what time the race was coming on. I missed the race I was very P.O. so my week was a wreck. Anyway softball isn't going great but anyway if I get back to school this week Friday is the day I'm supposed to go three hours away so I'm not going to get much school this week I'm also supposed to go to Oglethorpe so if some act of God we don't have school tomorrow then Thursday I'll get probably until 6th period maybe I might leave during lunch I'm also supposed to leave at lunch on Friday but who knows what's going on at this point? Everything is very up in the air at this point but it'll all work out. Anyway love y'all thanks for reading. ( wrote this late afternoon not realizing I had no internet I now have internet. No school tomorrow however I do have practice tomorrow so that what it's looking like)



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