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Chase's POV

I walked into the back laughing to myself. I quickly changed into a nice shirt some jeans and tennis shoes. I walked out Landry sitting on the couch playing some game on her phone. "You ready to go Landry?"

      "Yeah let's go," Landry answers smiling at me. "You look awfully handsome today," I smiled back and we walked to my truck. "Can we eat Mexican food?" She asked laughing.

"Of course I would never deny you salsa because in the 18 years if understood knowing who you are there's three things I never doubt 1. your love of racing 2. your love of food 3. last but not at least your love of your family and friends," I explained to her and we both just smiled she grabbed my hand the turned on the radio. I had one of my Eric Church cd's in and she sang along as we drove. I pulled in the parking space and we walked in side and sat in a booth. The waiter came and we both order sweet tea. We ate and talked about memories and everything I'm so glad I have her here for me and know that she feels the way I do.

Landry's POV

I'm glad I got over my shyness because it was so worth it. Of course I probably never would've done this if Ryan hadn't texted me and told me to ask him out before we both withered away. He's a nerd but I respect it because if I wouldn't have texted me who knew if we'd ever gotten together. I always thought we'd just be friends forever. So of course I figured he'd never be in my life the way he is now in this moment even if it's only our first date we've been friends since forever and I couldn't ask for a better person to be on a date with. Chase understands everything about me and I understand him we have so much in common and I can see myself with him in the future.

Chase's POV

I'm glad Landry asked me out we're both really shy and scared of rejection. Landry is one of the only people who truly understands me and all my quirks. She's the perfect woman for me. If this hadn't happened we'd probably with Blaney and Bubba playing video games admiring each other from afar. Being here with her is something I've dreamed of since I was 15. I don't ever want us to end even if we're only friends I can't lose her.

Ryan's POV (earlier in the weekend)

Chase and Landry have have both secretly loved each other for longer than I choose to remember so I decided I'd meddle a little.

Ryan: Hey Sutton are you ever going to make move on Clyde? Am I going to have to shove your faces together or make y'all play 7 minutes in heaven?

Landry: I don't have a clue what your talking about Ryan Blaney.

Ryan: Bullshit you know exactly what I'm talking about you like Chase he likes you one of has to do something about before I do.

Landry: Blaney I hate that your better at relationship advice than me it isn't cool. Thanks for the shove of the cliff I needed it.

Ryan: Anything for my best friends and their future relationship. Also I'm tired of watching you guys stare at each other longingly. I gtg Landry.

Landry: Haha bye Ryan.

A successful meddle. Now I need a nap.

3rd person POV

Landry's dad has been patiently waiting on his daughter to come home from her date. She's seemingly forgotten about their plans because she's with Chase, Bill Elliott's son. Bill is Thomas's best friend and former teammate. He decides to call his friend.

Thomas: Hey Bill do you know where our kids went I know their probably in their own world but me and Landry had plans. But it's okay just a silly little tradition thing we do.

Bill: I understand. Landry has told me I'm sure she'll be home soon she wouldn't miss that for the world. Their good kids I trust them. It's crazy their the age we were when we started racing together.

Thomas: Crazy is one word for it and your right. I have to go it was nice talking to you again we'll have to have lunch soon. Bye Bill.

Bill: Bye Thomas.

As Thomas placed his phone on the table he hears Landry's footsteps. She's grinning like she'd stolen something before walking in.

"Hey Pa. Sorry I'm a little late we lost track of time. We need to go take the pictures," The girl says smiling at her father before grabbing her camera and glancing at her scrap book hold 23 years of memories from the time her parents got together to her childhood and now her career and their tradition. They slowly walked Thomas with his arm around Landry to the big letter spelling out Daytona and Landry sat criss cross middle of the track and smiled holding her arms out at the angle that looked like she was holding up the word like she had since she was old enough to pose before that her mother or her father had held her. The family tradition had started when Olivia and Thomas were just Landry's age and friends at all 7 super speedways they would take a goofy picture for the scrapbook with the year in silver sharpie on the bottom left corner.

       "Wait Dad! Do you think it'd be okay if Chase was in this one with me?" She asked shyly.

"I don't have a problem with that why don't you give him a call?" Thomas says and smiles he knew they'd end up together and Landry wouldn't have asked if she didn't think he'd sticking around.

            A few minutes later a dark headed boy comes into view smiling Landry looks up and smiles at him holding her hand out to him he come and sits next to her. They both pose and Thomas snaps a picture of the young couple.

(Before Chase dropped Landry off) (still 3rd person POV)

         "Landry before we part ways I'd like to know if you'd go out with me? Like be my girlfriend? I mean it's totally ok-" Chase says before he's interrupted by the girl hugging him.

           "Of course I'll be your girlfriend Clyde," Landry says and kisses him on the cheek before opening up the door and disappearing inside. Chase touched his cheek and smiled before going back to his RV.


Hey guys I'm so glad your reading my book😊!

I'm so happy Blaney won today I screamed and I'm proud I wish he would've wreck Kyle though ☹️. I thought yesterday because I was having trouble finding something to read I should put this up I've been writing it for a few months now. I'm really happy with it and I hope you enjoy it.

I start high school softball practice tomorrow morning and I'm scared excited 😜. I think it'll be okay though. I'm interested to see who all from my grade actually shows up 😂.

I love you all ❤️


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