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30 years Before

In Right Prime Minister's house two ladies were born. One was from the concubine and other was from the Main wife. The main wife died while giving birth to the baby.

Both the babies were girls. One of them was beautiful where as other one was as ugly as dirt.

The ugly child was the child of the main wife and the beautiful child was the baby of the concubine. When prime Minister saw the appearances of the babies he got both happy and enraged becasue he thought that his main wife will bore him a handsome son but he was wrong. His beloved concubine bore him a beautiful child which could help him in so many ways.

So after the one week of his wife's death he made his concubine as a main wife.

The two baby girls were named as Ye Ying Yue and Ye Zhi Rou.

Zhi Rou was the apple of everyone's eyes because she was both beautiful and virtious.

Ying Yue was ugly but she was very good at learning things. She was proficient in martial arts and other things.

Zhi Rou didn't have a smart brain everyone considered that the ugly ying Yue was of no use.

So when one day Prime minister came to know about his ugly daughter's achievements he got a devilish idea. He never met his daughter and never mistreated her but for the sake of his beloved concubine's daughter and his beloved daughter he decided to use her.

The kingdom has never seen the appearances of the Prime Ministers daughter. They only knew that prime minister has a daughter who is ugly and uncivilised so she never goes out.

In the Imperial exam for the official position in the court Zhi Rou broke the previos  records of the contestants in scoring. She stood first in all the things.

The whole kingdom was chanting Zhi Rou name. The emperor bestowed so many gifts to her and aslo arranged a marriage between her and his crown prince.

Prime Minister was haapy with this because it was his idea to use Ying Yue in place of Zhi Rou during exams as both Ying yue and Zhi rou has same body stature so he forced Ying Yue to go and take the exam by threatening her maternal family who after the death of the main wife of the Minister were losing their power.

So reluctantly she did it but somehow King got the news about this thing  so he ordered the Prime Minister to bring his daughter. Prime Minister was scared so he told about this to his daughter and the wife. They called the Crown Prince and fed him lies about Ying yue being a cunning girl and trying to steal Zhi Rou position as crown Princess  and with the help of her maternal family she will overthrow the crown.

Crown Prince was enraged as he had already fell in love with Zhi Rou so without investigating anything he called the whole maternal family of the Zhi Rou in Ye Manor where in front of Ying Yue he injured  each and every member  of her maternal family.

Ying Yue was helpless as her concubine mother and father had already fed her poison which made her very much weak . She could just see th demon Prince who slaughtered her maternal family without any reason and her Paternal family who decieved her and watched this motionless.

Prime minister already  has considered eradicating Ying Yue's paternal family so when price was doing it he didn't stop him.

The concubine of the prime Minister was watching this with happiness as this was all her plan. She in love of power and high position killed Prime Minister's wife and also fed poison to Ying Yue which disfigured her phenpix appearance as she knew that after looking at Ying yue prime Minister will not look at his daughter.

Bjt when she came to know that the girl was a master in other things so she planted the idea of using Ying yue for her daughter's future. Nobody knowd about this except for her and Ying Yue because when she fed poison to Ying Yue she disclosed about this to her.

Afyer torturing her whole family crown prince and everyone  left only zhi rou left behind. She already despised YingYue's intelligence so she felt honoured when she stabbed Ying yue disregarding the fact that the latter was her sister and before leaving the manor she lit the whole manor on fire leaving any route for escaping for Ying Yue.

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