Chapter 11 Complications

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Jack's POV

“Take back the mark!” I yell.

“Now now Jack is that a very nice way to talk to your ex?”

Elsa's POV

I look at the scar and begin to scream again. A message flashes over the scar. Welcome to my world. - Cypress. What does this mean? Jack will know.

I try to get up but the nurse maids hold me down. Something pokes my arm and everything blacks out. This time no Cypress.

A bright light shines I my eyes causing me to wake up. My eyes open and I see a man hovering over me.

"Good morning Queen Elsa!" He says cheerfully.

"Morning? How long have I been asleep?" I screech.

"Two days ma'am." He says taking off his gloves. Two days? I have been asleep for two days? Who has been running my Kingdom? As I'd she read my mind Sarah says, "Don't worry Anna has been running the kingdom and Jack is out doing his guardian things.

" Could you send Anna in?" My voice comes out small. She nods and leaves the room.

A moment later she comes back with Anna. Everyone in the room bows and leaves.

"Oh my gosh Elsa I have been so worried!" Anna runs over to my bed.

"Anything new in the kingdom?" Anna hesitates then says no. I stare at her and try to read her expression.

She quickly says, "Just some things with trading, but I handled it." 

"I'm so proud of you!" I cheer. Just knowing that my little sister ran the kingdom is just an amazing feeling.

"Where's Jack?"

"Um....  well he had to go off and do some guardian duties."

Anna's POV

"Um....  well he had to go off and do some guardian duties." I say trying to cover any emotions.

The truth is Cypress came back and stole more children. Jack left to find her. I really don't want Elsa to worry.

"Okay Elsa. I will have Kai get you food. Just stay here. The doctor wrapped up your burn, but says you need to be gentle." I rush out of the room and close the door. Once it's closed I lean on the wall and let of a huge sigh of relief. It is super hard lying. After I collect myself I search for Kai and give him the order. Kristoff comes running down the hall.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in awhile. How is my princess doing?" He says look super concerned, Kristoff is so sweet always looking out for me.

"I'm fine." All of the sudden the room starts to spin and I feel like I am going to throw up. I clutch my stomach as I sink down to the floor. Kristoff bends down and pick me up bridal style. He rushes me to out and sets me down on the bed.

I hate it when you feel like you are going to throw up. It's so miserable. Kristoff kneels down next to the bed and holds my hand rubbing his thumb in small circle. Knowing Kristoff is there makes me feel much more calm.

I breath in and out trying to calm myself and ignore the horrible throw up feeling. The feeling begins to fade and I breath a sigh of relief. Finally over.

Kristoff and I walk out of the bedroom and out to the garden. Olaf walks up behind us.

"Hi!" He beams.

"Hi Olaf!" I crouch down so I am Olaf's height.

"Are you okay? I saw Kristoff carrying you."

"No I'm fine! Just a little bit morning sickness."

"Oh I'm sorry." Olaf pats my arm reassuringly. "Well I'm off to check on Elsa!" He says perking up and runs down the hallway. Olaf is just so adorable. I remember the first time Elsa built him.

It was late at night and Elsa and I were going to have a tea party. We needed more guests so Elsa suggested building a snowman. Then everything Kind of just went from there.

Jack's POV

Cypress flashed out of the room. Elsa was still asleep it had been a day now. Anna ran up to me telling me more children had been stolen. This is it, first the mark now more children. I told Anna to tell everyone I was going out to do guardian duties. But that I was actually going to Cypress.

I flew over Arendelle looking for any trace of Cypress. Nothing. Cypress covers her tracks better then anyone I know. I land in a clearing.

There is an eerie silence that hangs over the clearing. A twig breaks, echoing through the night. I whip around to see Cypress.

"Wow your a very persistent man!" Cypress smirks.

"Shut up, Cypress. Take back the mark!" I shout.

"No can do Jack. You know after we broke up I made a vow. And do you know what that vow was? To ruin your happily ever after.

A figure emerged behind Cypress. It moved closer and closer then jumped on her. As the figure made contact Cypress dissolved into a black dust.

"Who are you?" I say trying to sound confident.

"Um? Jack who do you think it is?" Elsa says. Oh great.

"How did you find out?"

"It's not very hard to get Anna to tell you something. Come on let's get back to the castle."

I grab Elsa's waist and we fly back to the castle. We land in an empty hallway. Anna comes out of one of the doors and rushes toward me.

"Okay Jack spill! What the heck happened with you and Cypress?" She half scolds half questions.

"Let's sit down. It's a lot to take in." We walk to Elsa's study and sit down.

"So let me start from the beginning....... "

Cliffhanger! Sorry y'all will have to wait for the story! So any ideas? Sorry to say this but if you have an idea you are probably wrong. It's super complicated. Well I gave you a hint of who Cypress was but I don't know if anyone caught it. Well have a goodnight! Bye snow cones! Oh and bye the way, thank you thank you I cat say it enough times for the 400+ reads! OMG! You don't know how happy this makes me! Yay! Okay goodbye for real! ~Starflower12359

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