Chapter 20

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Jack's POV

She really is gone.

I don't like the thought.

The bright sun seeps through the windows. My bed is soaked from sweat and tears.

How could I have been so stupid? I killed my own girlfriend. The words send my stomach into another knot. If I had just known, she would still be alive.

A knock at the door disrupts me from my thoughts.

"Come in." My voice comes our horse.

Anna peers through the door. Her cheeks are stained with tears and lag bags decorate her eyes.

"Jack!" She says and runs over to me. My knot grows bigger. Should I tell her that I killed Elsa? Oh gosh I'm not sure those words could physically come out of my mouth. I hug Anna and she cries into my shoulder. We stay like that for a bit and then finally Anna leaves to go eat.

My stomach rumbles, but I ignore the thought. I can't eat, it would just come back up. Instead I walk to the library.

The musty scent of books greets me as I enter the vast room. A large lounge chair sits in the middle of the room. Books are strewn all over it.

I walk over to one and pick it up, it's Cinderella open to the page of their happily ever after. I drop the book and puck up the next book, this one is full of spells. I glance at it before dropping it. The next book is very old, the seams are coming out and I have to pick it up gingerly so it doesn't break. A picture of Cypress stares back at me. Around the picture is Cypress' history. The section on her famous marks is circled. What had Elsa been doing? The last book is open to a potion, a separation potion.

I sick in my breath. Elsa knew something like this would happen, she was trying to find a cure. I read over the list of ingredients, nothing to hard to get.

"Kai!" I yell.

"Yes Sir Jack?" He asks rushing into the room.

"Could you get me these ingredients?"

"Right away!" Kai bows and hurries out of the room. I pick up the old book with Cypress in it and start reading. It's just basic knowledge about the demon, nothing I didn't already know. But at the bottom something catches my eye.

At the bottom of the paper there is a little black dot. Now I understand most books have something like this especially since it is so old, but something about it is off. My finger grazes it and a recording starts.

"Someone's been sneaking around. I don't appreciate that. No one needs to know about my past, now you won't get to see your future." A laugh erupts and everything blacks out.

Anna's POV

I've been roaming the castle all day. Elsa is everywhere. How cod she have died? Oh gosh I miss her so much. I exit the castle and walk around the castle grounds. Olaf walks with me for a bit but then he has to leave. Since Elsa is dead, he has slowly begun to melt. The thought of no more Olaf brings a tear to my eye.

I muster up the courage to go visit Elsa. Along with our customs Elsa is placed in a clear glass case, she will stay there until after her funeral at the end of the week.

"Hey." I say as I enter the chaple. Elsa lies motionless in a beautifully decorated class case. Slowly I walk up to her. She looks so peaceful. "I miss you." I pause. "Wow for one time in my life I don't have anything to say." I whipe my tears away.

I talk to Elsa for a bit longer and then I decide to go to the library. The doors are large so it takes me a few trues to open them, but when they do open the instant rush of cold greets my bare skin.

"Jack!" I scream. He lays unconscious on the floor.

"No no no. I can't loose two of you. Help! Someone help me!" I screech tears streaming down my face.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry this took so long. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter! ~Starflower12359

Never Let Me Go (a Jelsa Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin