She said it so full of excitement that Dean knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. He didn't understand what in the world would be so exciting. Nobody said a word so she continued. "Like you all know I'm a big fan of party games and today we'll all be playing truth or dare!" Dean opened his mouth to protest but got cut off by Sam. "Wow Charlie that's a great idea! Let's do it."

Charlie was pleased by that answer and sat down on the floor. She earned some confused looks as she nodded at the space next to her. Dean was the first one to understand and sat down on the carpet. The other boys did like him and soon they sat in a circle on the floor like little girls would do it at sleepovers.

Sam knew exactly what Charlie was up to and decided to just go with the flow. "Dean? Truth or dare?" Dean immediately picked dare. He wanted to prove himself. Sam grinned at Charlie and it didn't take a lot more than a second until she understood what he was about to do.

She grinned back and whispered a 'Say it'. Sam looked back at Dean and said smilingly: "I dare you to kiss Cas." Dean looked at Cas and his face turned an unbelievably dark red. He usually never blushed. He sat there for a couple of minutes, not quite sure of what he should do. Finally he sat a bit closer to Cas, but still not close enough to kiss him.

He looked the angel in the eyes and immediately everything around him disappeared. There was only him and Cas. This time Cas slid closer to Dean, leaving only a little gap between their faces. Dean's eyes wandered to Cas' lips and up to his eyes again. After what felt like an eternity, he slowly leaned in and stopped right before his lip touches Cas'. He raised a finger and gently brushed along Cas' lower lip. Castiel could feel Dean's steady breath on his cheek and he could see the hope in his eyes.

The tension got too much for Cas and he crashed his lips against Dean's, doing what he'd been wanting to do for ages. Their lips melted together like they were made for each other. Cas' hands found their way to Dean's hair and Dean softly touched Cas' neck. It was like there were fireworks around them. But even if there was one, they wouldn't notice. Everything around them was frozen.

They had their own little bubble and no one could disturb them in there. Whereas Cas thought about so many thing he liked about the hunter, Dean only thought of one word, one feeling. The feeling he felt at this exact moment. 'Love'. After a while, Dean pulled back just so much that he could look into the angel's eyes.

That was the moment he became aware of Sam and Charlie's presence. He quickly stood up to cover his blush that had spread across his cheeks and nose. Cas didn't think that anything could destroy this moment of pure happiness until Dean said it. "This game is stupid, I'm not playing anymore."

Cas opened his mouth as he felt tears sting up in his eyes. He saw how Dean turned around and disappeared in his room. The pain Cas was feeling at this moment was indescribable. His heart ached and he felt tears running down his cheeks. His breath was stuck while more tears ran down his neck until his shirt was wet and he started sobbing.

He didn't want to cry in front of his friends, therefore he got up and ran into his bedroom. He shut the door with a loud bang and dropped to the floor. He didn't understand. This was his dream that just came true, how could Dean say something like that? How could Dean feel nothing when Cas felt so much? Apparently he wasn't the only one who felt like this. Sam tried to enter Dean's room when he realised the door what locked. "Dean open the door." When Dean didn't do anything, Sam started knocking.

Softly at the beginning, but after Dean didn't move he banged at the door and yelled at Dean to finally open it. Unwillingly, Dean stood up from where he was sitting and unlocked the door. Sam opened it and slapped him. Dean opened his mouth to yell at Sam but before he could say anything, Sam started talking. "What the hell were you thinking? You hurt Cas today." He didn't look angry, rather disappointed. Dean tried to say something again but Sam cut him off. "I knew you're an idiot but I never imagined you being so stupid."

Dean started talking to make sure Sam couldn't interrupt him again. "I'm not stupid! I just don't like Cas that way and I didn't want him to think I want a relationship or something like that.." Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing. Dean had to like Cas. There was no other explanation for the way he looked at him. And there was this kiss. He saw how Dean tried to hide a smile when he was kissing Castiel. He saw how gently he touched the angel, not wanting to hurt him. He saw the way Dean looked at Cas after the kiss. He looked at him as if he was the most beautiful angel he's ever seen. As if there was only him and Cas. He looked so happy.

But he also saw the moment Dean's smile faded. He saw how the happiness in his eyes turned into horror. He could see it all, but he didn't understand it. "You're my brother, Dean. You can tell me everything.." Sam tried to get into Dean' head. He wanted to know what was going on. The anger in Dean's eyes disappeared and now he looked like a hurt puppy. Sam never saw him like that. He just wanted to hug him and tell him that everything would be fine. But he couldn't, because he didn't know. If Dean told him the truth, Cas would be broken.

"I know I can. That's why I'm saying this. I don't like him, Sam. Not like that." Sam sighed and looked at his brother. It was quiet for a while until Sam decided to say one more thing. "You broke his heart, Dean." His voice was quiet. He didn't wait for an answer, he didn't need to. Before Dean could say anything else, Sam turned around and walked out of the room. When he arrived at the living room, Charlie ran up to him.

She wanted to know what Dean told him, what he was thinking. Sam didn't have to say anything, his look told her everything. She shook her head and looked at the floor. "I think I should check on Cas.." Sam nodded and she slowly walked to Cas' room.

She took in a deep breath and softly knocked at this door. He didn't open it. After the third knock the door still wasn't opened so she decided to just walk inside. Luckily, Cas didn't lock the door. That's when she saw him. "Oh, Cas.."

The view of the angel sitting on the floor and crying in his hands was killing her. She ran to him and hugged him as tight and loving as she could. No words were spoken. They just sat there on Cas' bedroom floor and hugged each other until they fell asleep.

Truth Or Dare (Destiel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora