Why the Wait?

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She didn't want her school's lunch anyways. But, she also didn't want to sit with her guidance counselor. It was a dilemma that she couldn't win.

She sat fairly close to the computer used. To her, it seemed to be no different than the others. However, since it was used by someone with a lot of power, it didn't open for a week.

That's not what she was for here. Not in the slightest.

She had decided on 2 online classes: American Literature and Medical Studies II, when her dad finally broke the news.

"So, there's a reason we're doing this." He said. "After you do your finals, you're getting surgery for your back."

She didn't know what to say. Sure, her back bothered her a lot, but she didn't want to have to miss school to correct it.

In the end, however, she simply just said: "Ok. Thanks."

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