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"need a ride?"

"Gin-nii!!" Shouted Riku surprise. "Yo, Rei" greeted Gin, "you guys look in trouble, need help?"

"Ah, we need transportation to go to the workplace" said Riku

"Hmm... I can escort you guys"

"But we have to arrive in 15 minutes" said Tsumugi

Gin grinned at her, "I can make you arrive in 10 minute"


"We don't have time manager, let's go in" Riku have a seat beside the driver while the other in the back seats, "please use your seatbelts for your safety and make sure you have assurances" said Riku

"Why-" before Iori can finish it the car started speeding with speed above normal, "waaahhh...." Shouted them surprises, they're glad that at least they're already set their seatbelts.

"H-hey, can you drive more slowly?" asked Yamato shakily

"But you'll be late"

"It's better than- waahh" Yamato can't finish what he was about to say because the car turned sharply at the same speed. "I don't want to die, I don't wanna die" shouted Tamaki repeatedly like a mantra. Tsumugi close her eyes since the beginning and mumble something to God for her life.

"N-nanase-san, please tell you brother to- w-wait Nanase-san' brother, the light will turn red, aren't you going to stop?!" Asked Iori panic because Riku' brother doesn't show a signal to slow down

Gin didn't listen to what Iori said and actually increase his speed make the other more panic and worries about their safety, "oi, oi, oi, we gonna die, we gonna die" shouts Mitsuki while shut his eyes tightly, followed by the others. When there is no crash, Mitsuki slowly opened his eyes.

Gin gaze at them from the mirror and laugh, "come on guys, you have to trust me more"

"How could we trust you when we barely see each other and don't even introduced ourselves properly?!" Outburst Mitsuki

"But I already know all of you" said Gin innocently

"Please don't say you do a research about us" said Sogo wishing it's not true. It's creepy just by one person and he doesn't need another one, but seeing Gin just smile, he slumps down.

"I like something extreme but it's too extreme" said Nagi

The road is just straight from here but they sometimes shrug right and left because Gin often overtook other cars. When they close to their destination, Gin doesn't slow down and they suspect it because he doesn't know, "hey-" the car suddenly stop making them jump from their seats if not because the seatbelts, "uwaaa"

"Okay, we're already here" announcement Gin

Everyone rush out and breath in relive.

"I'm alive, I'm alive" whispered Tsumugi to herself

"Earth, I thought I would never see you again," said Nagi while hug it

"I'm alive, I'm alive" shouted Tamaki while crying dramatically. Yamato and Mitsuki do not say anything and just hug each other while crying. Meanwhile Sogo and Iori tried to collect their souls.

Riku laugh nervously to them before turning to Gin and smile, "thank you Gin-nii, that was a fun ride" Gin ruffling his hair, "time?"

"Hmm...." Riku check his phone, "...8 minute" inform him grinning

Gin grin back, "good, I have to go now. See you, don't overwork yourself" he ruffling his hair once more and kiss the top of his head. "You too" Gin drive away with a normal speed.

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