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Tenn can't seen Riku' face because it covered by his bangs. He just keep silent since Tenn asked him, "Riku, answer me!" Demanded Tenn

Riku lift up his head and smile at Tenn, "you want to meet mom and dad, right? That's why we're here"

"What do you mean by that?" Tenn already know the answer. He just does not want to admit it. Admit the fact that...that his parent is....dead. Riku doesn't answer Tenn and walk while holding Tenn' hand. They stopped in a graves and Riku crunch down to pray while Tenn just stand behind Riku.

"Mom, dad, sorry for not come after a long time. My work took almost all of my time. But don't worry, I take care of myself and will not over working. Well, honestly I can't promise the second one *chuckle* oh! You'll surprise today because I bring someone" he turn to Tenn and give a sign for him to come closer, "look! I bring Tenn-nii here" said him excitedly

Tenn just keep silent all this time. He walk and crunch down to pray. After prayed, "mom, dad, long time no see. I didn't expect our reunion will be like this. Sorry I can't came to yours funerals, I-I barely knew it. I'm sorry for not contact you two since" Tenn doesn't know what should he say. His feeling turn upside down. Riku who sensed it move closer to Tenn.

Tenn hug Riku from side and rest his head on top Riku' head, "it's ok Tenn-nii, you don't neet to feels bad. Everything what happened, is already happened, we can't change it" Tenn just humm in response. They stayed in that position for a long time.

"Riku, how'd you meet your...new family?" Asked Tenn

Riku keep silent for a second, "did you remember the three friends I told you back then at the hospital? They're become my brothers now" said him with a fond voice, "they're sound like a good family" respond Tenn

"Yeah, they welcome me with open handed"

"I'm glad you under good people"

After that they took off their arms and stood up, "want to do a little walk?" offer Tenn, "you don't have a job this evening right?"

"No, I'm free" said Riku happily

Tenn smile, "let's go then"


"Tadaima" greeted Gaku and Ryuu

"Okaeri" answered Pythagoras trio who currently there

"Where is everyone?" Asked Ryuu

"Mezzo and Iori have another job and Riku should have gone home but I can't find him anywhere" answered Mitsuki

"What about that brat?"

"If you mean Kujo, I don't know. Is he doesn't have a job with you guys?" Said Yamato

"Today is his day off"

Everyone silent heard that, "you don't think they...." Nagi doesn't finish his sentence

"I hope-" someone ring the doorbell and not just once but several time over and over. This piss them off, "who the hell is that?!" Ask Gaku pissed

"I'll get that" Mitsuki stand to approach the door, "yes, yes can you stop it. It's annoying" shout him while throw the door open. There stood someone he didn't reorganized. He have a brown hair with pink eyes which glint mischievously.

He smirk, "yo" greeted him as if they know each other. Mitsuki opened his mouth to say somethings but he spoke first, "can we come in?" Mitsuki raised his eyebrows, he look around and doesn't find anyone beside him. As if he understand, he show Mitsuki a cat he's holding.

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