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They keep silent for a moment until Nagi break it, "maybe Rei for Reika?"

Nagi' sentence make them wonder, from what they get Reika is Riku, if Rei is Reika that's mean Rei is also Riku which mean that person is Riku' relative.

"Did you know who is he Kujo-san?" ask Iori

"No" answer him shortly

"Well, we'll get the answer soon. From what we heard before, he seemed planning to make a dinner for us. We can ask later" said Yamato


After accompany Kei to the kitchen, Sogo not immediately back and decide to help him. He may not good at cooking, but Kei seem like really good at this seeing from what he do since. And by the way, they will make a pasta.

"I'm sorry for asking this but... Are you related with Riku-kun by blood?"

Kei stop what he's doing and facing Sogo with a plain look, "y-you don't need to answer that, sorry for asking"

He back to his work, "no" Sogo turn to him, "we're not related by blood, our family adopted him"


It's been a long time since they meet Riku. The last time they meet him is about three month ago. Today they went to hospital to accompany their mother do a check up.

They wait for their mother in a waiting room. Some nurses past by and talking about a kid who barely get an accident which killed his parent. They don't pay it any attention at first but when one of them mention about red hair, it perk their interest.

Gin stand and walk to them, "excuse me" the nurses turn around, "yes? Is there something we can help?" Kei and Ken followed Gin and stand beside him, "it's nothing but can you tell us about this kid?"

"What your relationship with him might be?" Ask one of the nurse

"We're his far relatives, we never heard the news so we want to know" the nurse exchange gaze before say, "did you know his name?"

Look like they want test are they really his relative or not, "Nanase Riku" answer them at the same time

They look satisfied by that, "i'm sorry for being doubtful, yes, it's been a week since he brought here. He experienced a terrible accident which took his parent and look like he just alone now"

"Yes, he look so broken when heard about his parent dead. I remember him as a patient who often in and out from here, i once ask where his brother who visit him frequently but he doesn't answer me"

"And his health condition didn't help"

They know what had happened because they took a part in it. Riku is a strong individual, it's just God who cruelty give him a hard life. Riku have something in him which make people around him want to protect him, take an example from them, but at the same time it also invite some bad intentions. They really want to protect him.

After thanking and asked his room to the nurses, they immediately come there. When they reach the door, Gin open it slowly and they come in. The first thing they saw is Riku who facing the windows and have a knife in his hand. Gin furrowed, "Riku" call him make Riku startled

Riku turn and find them, "ah, Gin-nii, Kei-nii and Ken-nii long time no see" greet him with forced smile

They approach him. Gin stand in front of him and caressing his check, "you ok there?"

"I'm fine" answered him with weak grin

"You know it's fine to cry" said Kei who sit beside him and softly knead his shoulder

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