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"Is there something you want to saying to me..." Kei turn around

"Kujo Tenn?"

There stood Tenn who crossing his arms. He look at Kei coldly while he just look back at him flatly. "Who are you?"

"I'm sure, I introduced myself earlier"

"That's not why I meant, who you really are and how'd you know Riku?"

"What relationship might you have with MY brother?"

"I'm his TWIN brother, I have any right to know" said Tenn sternly

"You USED to be his twin brother" said Kei with cold eyes, "he's not your brother anymore, he's MINE. Remember that" Kei walk pass him while whisper, "You have no rights to him again"

Tenn doesn't move from his place. He gritted his teeth and clenched his hand hard.


Little Kei walk alone in hospital corridor. He barely come from school and immediately went to hospital. Since he's 5 years old, he frequently here because his mother condition and it's been 4 years.

When he almost reach her room, he saw a kid around 7 maybe, crunch down on the floor and lean his body at wall. He can heard a cough fit from him. He stop and think is he should approach him or not.

Feels affection, he approach him, "hey, are you ok?" Ask him monotone. The kid seemed not notice him and Kei barely know that he struggles to calm his breathe. Kei frown and began to worried. He crunch down and touch his shoulder, "you ok? Did you need help?"

"My... Room.... Please.... 217" he tried to talk. Without a second though, he support him to stand and bring him to his room. It's a little difficult because their body size almost same but this kid light in weight so Kei doesn't struggle to much.

They reach his room, Kei opened the door and bring the kid to his bed. His breathing still heavy, after he settled on his bed he try to reach a table beside it. Kei stop him, "what you try to do?"

"My... In-" his sentence cutted by cough

Being a perceptive person he is, he open the drawer and find an inhaler. He take it and help him use it. When he about to calm, "what are you doing out there alone? Is no one accompany you?" Ask him

"I... I'm sorry, I just felt bored when I'm alone here" said him with head low. Kei felt a strange feeling in his heart, a feeling that was the same as when he was with his mother but different. Feeling to protect.

He patting his redhead. Riku lift up his head and stare at Kei bewildered. His red sunset eyes make Kei stunned. He doesn't paid any attention before, but he admit that he have a pretty eyes and he's.....cute. Kei' blush a little and turn his head to the side, "you okay Nii-Nii?"

"A-ah, I'm fi-, wait! What did you call me?" He turn to the kid

"Um.. Nii-Nii? i, i'm sorry, did you not like it? It accidentally slip from my mouth, I don't know your name so-"

"Hey, hey, it's ok, I just a little surprised. And what's your name?"

"Ah, sorry for my rudeness, my name is Nanase Riku. Yoroshiku..." Riku bow his head and lift it up again to look at Kei bewildered

"Kei, my name is Sunohara Kei"

"Jaa, Kei-nii" he said his name with wide smile and an imaginary flower around him. Kei feels embarrassed, it's first time someone made him feels like this. He cover his face and mumble somethings which Riku can't catch. "Did you said something Kei-nii?"

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