Imagine a Friendship

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This has gotta be the longest song in this entire story, but it still works!

A quick note about one of the lyrics: I honestly think that Minnie's real birthday is May 15, 1928 (the day Plane Crazy got its test screening), which would make her six months older than her boyfriend, whose birthday is of course on November 18, 1928. I say this because whenever there's a birthday celebration for Mickey, Disney never mentions that it's also Minnie's birthday as if she wasn't even born at all! In my opinion, it would be better if they were given different birthdays, especially since Mickey's real debut in Plane Crazy was never truly acknowledged. Oh well.

Also, watch out for the Fantasia reference, specifically The Sorcerer's Apprentice!


Mickey entered an area of the city where a group of characters and his friends, along with Ortensia, Fanny, Horace, and Clarabelle, were meeting to discuss a new Disney movie called The Wild that had just released, with new toons who will be moving to the animated world in a new setting that Mickey will have to create himself.

Since Mickey is a toon with human blood in him, he has the uncanny power of animation, which is something that only humans can achieve. He doesn't even need a pencil to do it. All he needs is a drawing of what he needs to animate, and he can just use his concentration and visual imagery to make it come into existence.

However, Mickey is not the only toon with human blood. So is Oswald...which means he could have that power too.

Mickey was still irritated about his brother, but Horace and Clarabelle stated that he wasn't so bad once they get to know him.

In fact, Oswald has powers too, like Mickey, which everyone amazingly found surprising (except Ortensia and Fanny, of course).

Minnie then proclaimed that it was time Mickey got a hold of himself and did something to make his relationship with Oswald work out.

[Minnie] The problem is that you're pushing it a bit too hard

Oh, I know, after all I'm older than you

You're feeling kind of helpless, a little defenseless

But I say you shouldn't be on guard

Don't let this end

Just start by simply becoming...friends

Imagine a friendship when it's beginning

And everything is fine

Not to mention of the tension

Not even thinking about drawing the line

Imagine a friendship where you take it slow

And you don't know what the other has done

Not treating like family but treating like family

You're just friends, but just imagine on

Imagine a friendship, one where you're talking

While you're just walking around

Not moving fast, just make it last

Don't even try to explore the whole town

Imagine a friendship, it's simply normal

And what is subtle is what it is

Put small pieces in, then you'll surely win

If you imagine a friendship!

Minnie turned to her boyfriend with a determined look on her face.

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