Chapter 16

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After school Nico allowed Will to lead him out of the school, and he found himself in front of the bike racks.

"I have left my bike here way too many times, and I'm worried it's going to be stolen one day or another." Will explained, unlocking his bike.

"Okay." Nico didn't feel like talking much, so he just leaned on the rack while watching Will clip on his helmet.

Once Will had his helmet on, he started biking  up and down the sidewalk, going ahead, and then turning around to pedal back to Nico, they went like this all the way to Will's house, where Will dismounted and parked his bike in the garage and unclipped his helmet. Nico followed Will upstairs.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Will asked, turning around to face him half way up the stairs.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry." Nico mumbled tucking his hands deeper into his sleeves and looking down.

"Okay." He continued up the stairs and opened his door at the top of the stairs, then his closet. "You can be the DJ today."

"Cool." Nico was in the mood for some emo.

Nico connected his phone and settled into a bean bag, opening his backpack to pull out his Algebra notebook and and handouts. Will did the same.

Will spent some time trying to show Nico how Algebra worked, but it just wasn't getting in his head. Nico tried to pretend that he understood to make it easier on Will , but he was going to have a meltdown soon. He curled up tighter on the bean bag and pulled his sleeves up more, the music was getting too loud. He tried to get up, or even crawl over to the speaker but he couldn't. Finally he managed to stutter out quietly, "Will...?" 

"Yes?" Will looked up from his paper about some algebra gibberish.

"I need a brain break, and can you change the music to something calmer?" He managed weakly.

"Sure, sure love." Nico was a little surprised at that, and if Will was surprised of himself he didn't show it.

Nico's cheeks reddened a little.  "Thanks." 

Will nodded and walked over to the speaker on his knees, and changed it to some jazz, making Nico relax almost immediately. Will then crawled back to his bean bag and wrapped his arms around Nico who was now slowly rocking, or swaying with the jazz. "I like you a lot, and I want to keep you safe from what's going on in your head, so what's up? You don't look well."

"Just too much work." Nico answered simply.

"Alright, do you want to rest a bit?"

"Yes please." Nico wiggled deeper into the bean bag into a more comfortable and closed his eyes.

(A/N) Okay I am really sorry I cannot pull myself together to finish this book, I get mentally tired whenever I work on it and I feel like a zombie, it just doesn't feel like a fanfic to me anymore, because I have not been involving myself with Solangelo, so I don't think I can finish this... I tried really hard, and the end point just feels really far away and I want it to be over.

Things I wanted to be in this fanfiction in the future:

Will teaching Nico how to play piano, with Will's arm wrapped around him, showing where to put his fingers. ( idea cred to maya_grogg)

  Will invited Nico to go to this local restaurant cause he wanted them to spend more time together. When they got there, Will sat on the same side of the booth as Nico, and snuggled up close to him . When to food came, they started eating. They were both right hand eaters, and will had his arm around Nico's waist with his left arm, and Nico was struggling to eat since he kept elbow bumping will. Nico started whining that he couldn't eat properly, and will said, that's okay, and will took Nico's fork from his hand, and started feeding him. Nico was all flustered and could barely make words happen for the rest of the night. 

Cuddling on the couch 

Will taming April enough to adopt her, and is only comfortable around will nico and his parents

shadow gets better

lots of cuddles

I kind of abandoned the idea with will having friends that are from other parts of pjo, which i feel bad about, i also find it funny that little me, from two years ago had will be friends with those specific characters, which nico was closer to in canon and will barely spent time with them

Some cute stuff with Jaylin and Rain

My original idea of this story two years ago was that they had opposite personalities than canon, and then when they hugged for the first time they would feel switched and more comfortable in their skin cause there personalities would go to canon. The other one was that they would become one, kind of like the drawing Will made in chapter one or two, and the one that stood out to Nico, and they would feel complete. i don't know how many times they've hugged though, maybe it's just been the one time just now when will is comforting nico

I love you all so much, and I may make solangelo oneshots ( I doubt it), or incorperate this ideas into my other books. I am starting to work on a book called, Leaves, and I think it'll be a good one. It's one I've been thinking about for awhile.

I'm really sorry that I don't have the persistence to finish what I started, something that I don't take lightly, I was struggling with this book for awhile, like, about a year, and I thought it was best if I let it go.

I love you all so much, and I hope you stick with me with my new works.


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